Message from @meriingue ❄
Discord ID: 772845358543929384
Lets teach that son of a bitch some lesson
Is a respect really a thing in that server?
I think there is only one solution
I’m bout to call all the conservatives to eviscerate that guy
I already got help
Don’t worry
They are like ulcers
No respect
Just chanting ACAB all the time
Very sad. I wish parents on the left would teach their children some manners and respect.
I just got this ad
For voting
All idiotic leftists who aren’t educated in the truth...
if 200,000 covid deaths is trumps fault, that means the 1+ million americans who have recovered were also because of trump
And out of all those, only like 10,000 were not high risk..
and if the president didnt care then how would he have become president
he gave half of his money for us 😔
oof there are ads like that
Why is no one blaming de Blasio or Cuomo for all those early covid deaths in nursing homes?
They're way more responsible for that than Trump.
Bezos gave his worker that "living wage" of $15 per hour and they still complain
commies have so many mental gymnastics I'm starting to wonder if it's inherently schizophrenic and bipolar
smh why do ppl cite china as a socialist success
I have a question every ad I get on YouTube about voting and stuff have literally no white people in it
They got literally every race but white
how is this for a meltdown?
A canadian socialist lost his mind, threatened to harm himself then paid hundreds of dollars to the server owner to permanently ban me from the server i co-founded and spent the past 3 years keeping alive.
Did you get banned?
all political speech on that server became a bannable offense. (ofc leftist ideology was not enforced.)
@Reddog000013 hah that is because so many people that say they are targeted are racist against "whites" but won't allow to be called that. They are the only ones being targeted, they say. It wouldn't do for them to be called racist themselves. That would be racist... 😐 confusing.