Message from @Reddog000013
Discord ID: 773261847045865522
Yea, it just looks so ugly.
It stands for abortion
I wish the art style was better...
You know people don’t have an argument when they start talking about the presidents ads on YouTube
The ads mean almost nothing. Especially the Joe Biden ones.
i know
i've always wondered what the point of the joe biden ads were
Joe Biden identifies as a kitchen table, btw
If someone’s going off ads they definitely have no argument
he is he who he is
I have a theory: what if Joe Biden's "dementia" is just a PR stunt?
After all, he suddenly gets coherent when it's about his son's business
"I did not discuss any business with my son" - Joe Biden
I think fear and “oh shit I messed up” clears the brain.
i can imagine joe biden getting really angry when anyone says "hunter biden laptop"
Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Joe Biden are my least favorite modern US politicians
you forgot obama
Ah, and Obama
Barack Hussein Obama
This guy is actually an idiot
This guy is the reason the video was made
Why is nationalism a bad thing? Trump literally advises other countries to put themselves first too, where is the problem?
i know
America can respectfully take a break from being the world's hero
Yea, time to worry about our own problems. We’re no here to babysit other countries
America has enough problems... BLM... the mainstream pro-socialism media... the sellout celebrities... and so more...
i know
"TrUmP dId NotHiNg tO stOp ThE rIoTs!!111!!1"
thats because they didnt want him to do anything to stop them
I read an article about Joe Biden being the better choice if Romania and the US want to continue being allies 🤣 Nah man, I'd rather see a powerful leader that cares about his country at the seat instead of an UN and China puppet which will only brainwash us even more
Donald Trump has already respected Romania
I remember where I was when he said the fact Romania is one of the main allies: at dinner, at the summer camp.
He even gave our president a "Make Romania Great Again" cap