Message from @LuckyPuffy
Discord ID: 773268058323025931
"Democratic socialism" is just the first step.
democratic and socialism are the same thing though
pretty much
*Harris is kind of a Trojan horse. She didn’t claim to be a socialist
yeah true
Nah, democratic socialism would be like voting for literally anything.
if biden won then harris would have taken over
For example, let's have I have to vote in order to send a message: Johnny's father is called Harris. Yes or No?
He’s literally retarded
And a collective committee has to decide if I can even say that message.
Bruh, the USA can’t support 11 million undocumented. That’s just not possible.
This person really doesn't understand logistics
They're left-wing, therefore, they do not understand actions in a logical method.
$5 they wouldn't house a homeless person
I'd house them if they promise to be clean and not to interrupt my "me time."
I sympathize people that work hard and wait to get into the US
It's completely unfair they wait longer because some people decide to cut the line
And even more so when these people steal SSN and screw people over
Yea, I think everyone is absolutely fine with legal immigration. But those who don’t wait their turn should be punished
I find their "who will work these hard jobs" argument funny because it's the same logic the democrats used to justify keeping slaves
That’s just not okay... wtf
The US is the land of opportunity, not of babysitting refugees.
i know
That's why Putin is laughing at Europe
The land opportunity’s, not the land of free loaders
Russia's oligarchy and constant propaganda is as bad as the EU's own bureaucracy and propaganda
That's interesting.
Smh that picture on the left
Flag doesn't have right orientation
So let's see: they are both defending the right to bear an arm, the right for religion...
But here's the plot twist: We support all religions, they want to kill us all and spread Islam
And that's why the "we support all religions" is only half true, I personally cannot support a religion that has a book written by a prophet who was prolly possessed by Satan while writing the book, in which the woman must be the man's slave, in which a man can marry many wives, in which they **have** to kill all the non-believers etc.
Anyone got a meme I can respond with? 😂
MSM and social media be like 🤫