Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 775960189878009857

2020-11-11 05:43:10 UTC  

> I hate people
@SmokyCopCar I'm not a racist. I hate everyone equally!

2020-11-11 05:43:29 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar I'm not a racist. I hate everyone equally!
@Dr Badass PhD honestly. that's why asia feels like a welcoming place

2020-11-11 05:43:32 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar I'm not a racist. I hate everyone equally!
@Dr Badass PhD #IHateEveryone

2020-11-11 05:43:48 UTC  

My friends dont like trump and bro im still friends with em, pretty rare ngl

2020-11-11 05:44:09 UTC  

> @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty that's fine! as long as it's not your friend that you bitchslapped!
@isoboto she was saying my friend is gay, which he isn't, and it was bad especially because he's from a catholic asian family

2020-11-11 05:44:43 UTC  

If my fucked up head didnt make me think anyone even slightly nice to me was a troll or someone whos trying to just use me and send everything to people who have been stalking me for a year then it would be easier @mightytrump

2020-11-11 05:44:44 UTC  

> @Rhyean I set the bar at "people friendly towards me" but take things slow when unsure
@mightytrump that's okay, too. I can make friends and be talkative to people but I only have 2 close friends that i actually confide in so far. you'll know when you get them. it's a natural "clicking"

2020-11-11 05:45:05 UTC  

> My friends dont like trump and bro im still friends with em, pretty rare ngl
@Bee true friends!

2020-11-11 05:46:04 UTC  

Idk I’ve never found the ability to create/hold back and forth conversation with people face to face and social skills and stuff

2020-11-11 05:46:30 UTC  

> @isoboto she was saying my friend is gay, which he isn't, and it was bad especially because he's from a catholic asian family
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty lmaoooo this reminded me of a bunch of girls actually ganged up and asked a dude if he is gay. and they are strangers! this happens in high school. people gotta keep their nose out of it. don't go around asking/saying people is gay unless you're super close friends

2020-11-11 05:46:43 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:47:02 UTC  

all i have is 1 guy and this server
which is odd because big servers tend to be extremely offputting

2020-11-11 05:47:20 UTC  

@Rhyean Yeah the social paranoia is always something. I try to move forward bit by bit, taking every reaction dead serious. It sucks feeling like you walked into a social fail

2020-11-11 05:47:37 UTC  

hell id love to make friends with like anyone but at the same time I'll just end up fucking something or everything up so i just don't bother

2020-11-11 05:47:58 UTC  

plus if i try to make friends myself i seem like a desperate loser

2020-11-11 05:48:18 UTC  

I remember my first major interaction in this server was when i accidentally pinged all the mods

2020-11-11 05:48:30 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:48:39 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:48:42 UTC  

i think Froski remembers

2020-11-11 05:48:42 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:48:45 UTC  

> Idk I’ve never found the ability to create/hold back and forth conversation with people face to face and social skills and stuff
@SmokyCopCar hmmm, i figured it out because I was in MUN (like a debate clube) and we had to do public speaking and meet-and-greet. But, i guess one way is just bulldozing through. I hate it when I'm the one initiating the conversation, but you've to push through that. finding common ground is a good way to start. smile a lot and look like you're super happy to be talking to them

2020-11-11 05:48:52 UTC  

it was during the last mod rotation

2020-11-11 05:49:10 UTC  

Funnily enough my first major interaction was a warn

2020-11-11 05:49:38 UTC  

i guess my first major one would be the fuckin thing we just did

2020-11-11 05:49:40 UTC  

With the mod team at that time

2020-11-11 05:49:46 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar hmmm, i figured it out because I was in MUN (like a debate clube) and we had to do public speaking and meet-and-greet. But, i guess one way is just bulldozing through. I hate it when I'm the one initiating the conversation, but you've to push through that. finding common ground is a good way to start. smile a lot and look like you're super happy to be talking to them
@isoboto I guess not having good social skills and years of bullying combined makes for a crappy combo growing up

2020-11-11 05:49:48 UTC  

with me showing a bunch of old shit of my own

2020-11-11 05:49:58 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:50:02 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:50:24 UTC  

@isoboto I tried bulldozing through, but felt like shit afterwards

2020-11-11 05:50:45 UTC  

> plus if i try to make friends myself i seem like a desperate loser
@Rhyean you don't have to force yourself to make friends. i isolated myself with study and works during grade 9 and 10 (i was a stiff) and somehow still wind up with a handful of people. have a good work ethics may help you. once people start familiarize with you it's easy to bridge the gap

2020-11-11 05:51:18 UTC  

> @Rhyean you don't have to force yourself to make friends. i isolated myself with study and works during grade 9 and 10 (i was a stiff) and somehow still wind up with a handful of people. have a good work ethics may help you. once people start familiarize with you it's easy to bridge the gap
@isoboto work ethic is definitely an advantage I have

2020-11-11 05:51:42 UTC  

Work ethic = Yes

2020-11-11 05:51:52 UTC  

Social = No

2020-11-11 05:52:03 UTC  

i know man but its just
im so fucking lonely
and kts not like i dont deserve to be either
who would willingly want to be friends with me lol

2020-11-11 05:52:20 UTC  

I need to shut up holy shit I just realized

2020-11-11 05:52:25 UTC  

I sound like the biggest fucking loser

2020-11-11 05:52:50 UTC  

> Work ethic = Yes
@mightytrump I’ve been raised on the tried an true concept of you contribute nothing you get nothing, if you do something you’ll get something

2020-11-11 05:53:45 UTC  

Paid off now that I’m slightly older and have a job and stuff

2020-11-11 05:53:57 UTC  

@SmokyCopCar Good for you, but I take the latter VERY slowly due to seeing things like my dad tackle and scream at my eldest brother at 6 y/o

2020-11-11 05:54:08 UTC  

Scared the hell out of me