Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 775962521642729483

2020-11-11 05:50:02 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:50:24 UTC  

@isoboto I tried bulldozing through, but felt like shit afterwards

2020-11-11 05:50:45 UTC  

> plus if i try to make friends myself i seem like a desperate loser
@Rhyean you don't have to force yourself to make friends. i isolated myself with study and works during grade 9 and 10 (i was a stiff) and somehow still wind up with a handful of people. have a good work ethics may help you. once people start familiarize with you it's easy to bridge the gap

2020-11-11 05:51:18 UTC  

> @Rhyean you don't have to force yourself to make friends. i isolated myself with study and works during grade 9 and 10 (i was a stiff) and somehow still wind up with a handful of people. have a good work ethics may help you. once people start familiarize with you it's easy to bridge the gap
@isoboto work ethic is definitely an advantage I have

2020-11-11 05:51:42 UTC  

Work ethic = Yes

2020-11-11 05:51:52 UTC  

Social = No

2020-11-11 05:52:03 UTC  

i know man but its just
im so fucking lonely
and kts not like i dont deserve to be either
who would willingly want to be friends with me lol

2020-11-11 05:52:20 UTC  

I need to shut up holy shit I just realized

2020-11-11 05:52:25 UTC  

I sound like the biggest fucking loser

2020-11-11 05:52:50 UTC  

> Work ethic = Yes
@mightytrump I’ve been raised on the tried an true concept of you contribute nothing you get nothing, if you do something you’ll get something

2020-11-11 05:53:45 UTC  

Paid off now that I’m slightly older and have a job and stuff

2020-11-11 05:53:57 UTC  

@SmokyCopCar Good for you, but I take the latter VERY slowly due to seeing things like my dad tackle and scream at my eldest brother at 6 y/o

2020-11-11 05:54:08 UTC  

Scared the hell out of me

2020-11-11 05:54:31 UTC  

> @isoboto I tried bulldozing through, but felt like shit afterwards
@mightytrump that's common, especially if you've the habit of reviewing your days or agonizing over the mistakes you made. you'll have to learn to tamp it down, as in not letting the miniscule mistakes haunt you. one thing about growing up is you learn to know which mistake is critical and should be learn from and what needs to be let go. remember, there are a trillion info your brain needs to process. the only reason why you aren't going crazy is your brain filtered noises out. you'll have to manually build in those filters -- which will take times -- but once you start being to feel in control of your life (or being able to control small aspect of it) you know you're on the right path

2020-11-11 05:55:24 UTC  

Just gonna slip this in here. You know... just cause

2020-11-11 05:55:45 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:55:48 UTC  


2020-11-11 05:56:01 UTC  

> Paid off now that I’m slightly older and have a job and stuff
@SmokyCopCar If me and my friends move into a house, as in all 5-6 of us, we'd probably end up pitching into the house together, and whoever bought it gets to skip paying until the others have paid the equivalent of the house

2020-11-11 05:56:25 UTC  

inb4 work ethic = suicide

2020-11-11 05:56:29 UTC  

> @SmokyCopCar If me and my friends move into a house, as in all 5-6 of us, we'd probably end up pitching into the house together, and whoever bought it gets to skip paying until the others have paid the equivalent of the house
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty seems fair

2020-11-11 05:58:01 UTC  

> I sound like the biggest fucking loser
@Rhyean well. i don't like it when people apologize and start going "i'm a loser" route. i like being realistic but not too harsh. if you think your life is not going toward where you want, dissect it down into elements you can and cannot control, and figure out which one you want to start changing first. (ie. i'm terrible at keeping up with schedules. i broke it into weekly task and also daily task so i've the flexibility to move around. as long as i got 80% of things done I'd consider it productive. I know i'm also a bit of an attention hog. I'll share my daily schedule to my friends and report it to them). Your problem may be a bit more complex, but like solving equations, one step at a time

2020-11-11 05:58:40 UTC  

The first step to gaining confidence is to stop being extremely apologetic

2020-11-11 05:59:12 UTC  

> Just gonna slip this in here. You know... just cause
@jerpeau oh yeah, obligatory disclaimer: take everything with a grain of salt. we're not there to actually evaluate the situation objectively and all of your recount is biased. So do your own evaluation of your situation and decide accordingly

2020-11-11 05:59:24 UTC  

not to sound mean, but if you mostly apologize as most of your social interactions you will be walked over and trust me, it sucks

2020-11-11 05:59:33 UTC  

> The first step to gaining confidence is to stop being extremely apologetic
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty a good trick, replace "sorry" with "thank you"

2020-11-11 05:59:50 UTC  

Thanks for allowing me to do my job @isoboto But its a rule for a reason

2020-11-11 06:00:40 UTC  

^^^ for sure! sorry for going overboard! i like problem solving so it's second-nature

2020-11-11 06:01:00 UTC  

Talking about problems always helps to clear the mind too

2020-11-11 06:01:26 UTC  

> Talking about problems always helps to clear the mind too
@mightytrump lmao i'm good at solving others' problem. it helps me feel like a productive member of society

2020-11-11 06:04:16 UTC  

It tends to take convos into a dark place. If you want to discuss it together further, feel free to DM each other 👍

2020-11-11 06:36:50 UTC  

This one leftie had a meltdown on one of my instagram posts

2020-11-11 06:37:14 UTC

2020-11-11 06:37:35 UTC  

Jesus fuck

2020-11-11 06:37:49 UTC  

It went off on every little thing that bugged it

2020-11-11 06:41:49 UTC  

You can follow me if you’d like

2020-11-11 06:42:08 UTC  

My username is the tagged name at the top in the beginning

2020-11-11 06:42:17 UTC  

So you can see for yourselves

2020-11-11 10:07:22 UTC  

Do you agree with this?

2020-11-11 11:54:50 UTC  

Yes and no. I agree with the removal of marijuana taxation, but not with police defunding. The police should continue to be founded for other crimes.

2020-11-11 12:11:33 UTC  

I’m sorry if you did it while it was still illegal knowing it was illegal, that’s on you

2020-11-11 12:20:20 UTC  

regardless, ignorance of the rules is not an excuse