Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 778428858668023850

2020-11-18 01:04:47 UTC  

I mean, peaceful protesting seemed to change more minds in the 60s than any amount of arson in 2020

2020-11-18 01:05:37 UTC  

But, then again, MLK and the civil rights movement of the 60s actually had a point, rather than just complaining about not having rights they already have, as BLM does

2020-11-18 01:06:18 UTC  

what blm is trying to fight for dosent even meet their goals

2020-11-18 01:06:25 UTC  

it gets them nowhere

2020-11-18 01:07:27 UTC  

The funny part is that they have made people in cities like Kenosha and Seattle associate them and their race with violence, which creates more racism

2020-11-18 01:09:11 UTC  

true true not to mention on how they hurt the elder and Trump supporters

2020-11-18 01:09:28 UTC  

it makes me wanna go out there and punch them in the face and strip their masks to see the scumbag they are

2020-11-18 01:11:54 UTC  

I feel kind of bad for them, in all honesty

2020-11-18 01:12:06 UTC  

Might as well send them videos of the violence BLM and Antifa has caused while you're at it

2020-11-18 01:12:09 UTC  

They’ve genuinely been brainwashed into thinking that they’re doing the right thing

2020-11-18 01:12:27 UTC  

Because of the groupthink these guys operate under

2020-11-18 01:12:31 UTC  

They will not hesitate to attack women and children <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2020-11-18 01:16:11 UTC  

Here’s the difference between MLK and BLM:

MLK’s attitude: There is an obvious problem here and we think it should be fixed. Here is how to do it and here is why we should do it. We will attempt to change the minds of people who don’t get on board
BLM’s attitude: Yeah, there’s a problem, but we’re not going to tell you it. Instead, we’ll just drop vague hints and suggest that the problem is everything. We will then riot and hurt people who don’t get on board.

2020-11-18 01:16:41 UTC  

they will attack BLACK women and children. it's disgusting

2020-11-18 01:16:46 UTC  

And, in the case of BLM, it’s not even certain there even is a problem in the first place

2020-11-18 01:17:14 UTC  

Pretty certain otherwise, I would say

2020-11-18 01:17:16 UTC  

0_0 discord updated?

2020-11-18 01:17:35 UTC

2020-11-18 01:17:41 UTC  

sorry, off topic

2020-11-18 01:18:09 UTC  

i do think racism exist (just to a MUCH lesser degree BLM insisted) -- but when BLM refused to stand up for 2 black women who protested against guns and got shot down, I knew they don't value the lives equally

2020-11-18 01:18:22 UTC  

yes. i don't like it 😂

2020-11-18 01:18:35 UTC  

stop all of these ridiculous updates!

2020-11-18 01:19:27 UTC  

Racism exists, but the key thing is that it’s not institutional like BLM is saying. It’s private individuals. They are acting as though everything is deeply rooted in this and that we need to tear it all down to fix the problem.

2020-11-18 01:20:14 UTC  

the funniest thing that i've heard from BLM protesters/rioters: "we're gonna tear the whole system down!" "and replace it with what?" "that's not for me to know!"

2020-11-18 01:21:07 UTC  

Marxism or whatever the BLM leaders decide they want this week

2020-11-18 01:21:25 UTC  

you're right i never heard them continue their statements on what they will replace <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-18 01:21:31 UTC  

it's certainly not "institutional to the core" like a lot of them insist, that's for sure. the fact that minorities in USA are able to raise awareness about their struggles are a sign of somewhat equal footing.

2020-11-18 01:24:26 UTC  

they seem to stutter after that line

2020-11-18 01:54:26 UTC  

I literally can’t...

2020-11-18 01:54:35 UTC  

“Sex assigned at birth”

2020-11-18 01:54:52 UTC  

This is my account from my DOCTORS OFFICE

2020-11-18 01:55:18 UTC  

wth is that web design <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-11-18 01:55:29 UTC  

you either a boy or a girl

2020-11-18 01:55:32 UTC  

> “Sex assigned at birth”
@ray liotta private select 🤦🏻‍♂️

2020-11-18 01:55:32 UTC  


2020-11-18 01:55:47 UTC  

Atleast call it what it is

2020-11-18 01:56:05 UTC  

We’re you born with a peepee or apupu

2020-11-18 01:56:10 UTC  

Where are you at? Like a Cali thing?

2020-11-18 01:56:23 UTC  

I'm wondering when that will come to philly lol

2020-11-18 01:56:25 UTC  


2020-11-18 01:56:37 UTC  

ugh makes sense