Message from @米饭和面条

Discord ID: 779616816279846922

2020-11-21 04:53:55 UTC  

well, i supposed it depends which version you're looking at -- so maybe that's why i'm bias.

the book i read and from what my mum and gran (who was the head nun and ran a Buddhism center in Florida) taught me, the principles of "no sexual thoughts" are for ALL humans. Not just men. People should aim to rid themselves of mortal qualities to achieve absolute peace, and sexual desire is considered one of them (can't remember what is the punishment in hell for having sexual desires or masturbates, but if you committed that sin you'd pay for it -- regardless of whether you're a man or a woman).

2020-11-21 04:54:09 UTC  

tariq nasheed is fucking insane

2020-11-21 04:54:38 UTC  

we should probably come up with something like that. Buddhophobia?

2020-11-21 04:54:43 UTC  


2020-11-21 04:57:20 UTC  

In that case it'd be brownophobia

2020-11-21 05:15:59 UTC  

I believe it's illegal to masturbate in Indonesia

2020-11-21 05:16:14 UTC  

...imma change the subject now

2020-11-21 05:16:16 UTC  


2020-11-21 05:17:29 UTC  

🙄anyway I'm just going to sit back and watch the left destroy Buddhism

2020-11-21 05:21:14 UTC  

But cOeXiSt

2020-11-21 05:22:21 UTC  

Peace was never an option

2020-11-21 06:53:28 UTC

2020-11-21 07:37:57 UTC
The video that people are afraid of watching

2020-11-21 07:38:15 UTC  

He earned my respect

2020-11-21 07:38:25 UTC  

Charlie just destroyed BLM and #Blackouttuesday

2020-11-21 07:57:47 UTC  

charlie kirk is fucking cringe

2020-11-21 07:58:05 UTC  

i thought that said charlie kink <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2020-11-21 07:58:17 UTC  


2020-11-21 07:58:33 UTC  

yeah, but he's kinda cringe ngl

2020-11-21 07:58:36 UTC  

outside of that video.

2020-11-21 07:58:53 UTC  

no even in that video

2020-11-21 07:59:10 UTC  

his arguments are only against the most radical and idiotic sjws

2020-11-21 07:59:19 UTC  

(aka people that you barely ever meet irl)

2020-11-21 08:02:58 UTC  

Well. Thanks for informing me

2020-11-21 08:03:21 UTC  

Ironically he tries to "utterly pwn" the activists using the exact same tactics they used. That being random snippets of data (I don't have too much of an issue with him on this one because I myself have done the research and read the studies) whilst using ad passiones and ad hominems to beat BLM boogeymen.

2020-11-21 08:04:41 UTC  

If you want someone who actually can consistently make good arguments against BLM (not that it's really difficult to begin with) then I recommend you look into Thomas Sowell.

2020-11-21 08:07:13 UTC  

What about Candace Owens?

2020-11-21 08:07:16 UTC  

she's good too

2020-11-21 08:08:23 UTC  


2020-11-21 08:08:29 UTC  

she's pretty much the same as kirk

2020-11-21 08:09:03 UTC  


2020-11-21 08:09:06 UTC  


2020-11-21 08:09:11 UTC  

I'm relying on Thomas Sowell then

2020-11-21 08:09:20 UTC  


2020-11-21 08:09:28 UTC  

the man's a fucking genius

2020-11-21 08:09:58 UTC  

if you're interested in economics then milton friedman, murray rothbard, ludwig von mises, and freidrich hayek are pretty good

2020-11-21 08:10:04 UTC  

he is BLM's weakness

2020-11-21 08:10:22 UTC  

although I personally dislike a lot of their economic theories, they do make really great arguments against socialism

2020-11-21 08:10:39 UTC  

lol, anyone with access to empirical evidence and basic cognitive abilities are a weakness to BLM

2020-11-21 08:11:19 UTC  


Facts and statistics are SJW's worst fear

2020-11-21 08:11:44 UTC  

which is why making videos or complaining about them is generally pointless