Message from @Joe Cool
Discord ID: 782387238154928128
That's how I feel right now
That thread added to my headache
Also ones of the things that I agreed with was: The kids not allowed to listen to their own music in class.
I only agree with that if they have headphones on that do not disturb the class. And if it helps them focus more than. It's fine.
Other than that the rest makes me want to pass out from water.
There is attendence laws and tbh I think they're stupid
I don't think they're ableist tho
None of this is really Ableist.
It's really not
But I don't like how the public school system works anyway
Most of the time there's special ed students at my school and they break the rules they don't get reprimanded for anything
If anything, they are more accommodating to kids with documented disabilities
The school system is pretty bad but those aren’t the reasons why
Yeah students with disabilities have iep to work around things so they can get the education they need
public education is shit
The fact that it has 133k likes startles me
of course she's a canadian *facepalms*
Ew Canadians
goddamn it. stop shaming canadians like me 😂
We must shame and incarcerate all sluts and re-educate them to be chaste.
The Apache Helicopter is hilarious.
i'm so happy to see apache helicopter representation tbh
Sorry mate. Might as well become a US citizen <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>
My god why do people still think he called it a hoax
Where is the fact checker? That got debunked
Actually show the dude the original clip at the rally
What a moron that deadpoolchan, is. Disgraceful he has Deadpool as his profile pic.
Want to debate him?
Nah I'm gonna be busy right now.
Watching some Nick Fuentes stuff and election news before I go and draw.
Oh no, if down playing bad situations was a crime every parent and leader out there would be in jail
Deadpool is already firing all the male writers. Deadpool is going woke babey