Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 788638420666023946

2020-12-16 04:41:07 UTC  

its a term feminists made for when men finally can talk for 10% of the conversation

2020-12-16 05:11:32 UTC  

Hey anyone got advice on how not to be shit at an argument against 4 people at once

2020-12-16 05:12:28 UTC  

just go through each argument methodically, one by one. you'll definitely feel overwhelmed and feel like you're losing

2020-12-16 05:12:47 UTC  

Browse news at least somewhat regularly beforehand, over a range of topics. Nevertheless, address each and every point with your own counter. Facts first, ad hominem later

2020-12-16 05:13:25 UTC  

Also any advice on how to prove to a leftist they are brainwashed by the media

2020-12-16 05:14:06 UTC  

I know in the UK students are told media in the UK isn’t trustworthy but not every country gets the memo

2020-12-16 05:16:23 UTC  

as i always said, "you can only change people's mind if they want to be change". a recent technique i've learn is agreeing with what they're saying, but took it to the extreme (in fact, outdo them in the "enthusiasm" department), then slowly shift your stance if they start seeing their own hypocrisy. Research Pacing & Leading

2020-12-16 05:16:52 UTC  

Shit that’s a good idea

2020-12-16 05:17:54 UTC  

Thanks guys, some leftist dudes cannot keep the convo civil because they are to lazy to check the news and resort to Twitter :/

2020-12-16 05:19:05 UTC  

twitter is a good place to dig for info. it's like google. you can find evidences that supports your stance regardless of what it is.

2020-12-16 05:19:24 UTC  

Unless it’s the election lmao

2020-12-16 05:20:09 UTC  

(((true <:KEK:726877368601411624> you can't find much evidences of election fraud anywhere)))

2020-12-16 05:21:39 UTC  

Also isn’t humor used as a way to cope? Like legit I got in so much heat a history nerd saying “yo man that was so funny it killed Chrysippus of Soli”

2020-12-16 05:22:12 UTC  

It’s a cope kinda thing. How do you explain that taking dark shit to light is humor to a leftist

2020-12-16 05:23:13 UTC  

I find it very hard to express my humor around leftists. I’ve got called so many shit simply because I have dark humor.

2020-12-16 05:23:53 UTC  

I caught that one <:troll_face:726878856585281557> Dark humor absolutely rules

2020-12-16 05:24:05 UTC  


2020-12-16 05:24:24 UTC  

Dark humor knows no bounds, very upsetting to the lefties

2020-12-16 05:25:48 UTC  

Yeah I was called racist and all sorts of phobias in the book for literally making a joke

2020-12-16 05:26:00 UTC  

i have zero sense of humour so i've no idea how to help you there, bud <:KEK:726877368601411624>
anyway: generally, dark humour is something you've to know the inside joke to get (depends on context, knowledge, etc.). so you'd either have to educate the listener or run the risk of assuming they know the same thing as you

2020-12-16 05:27:31 UTC  

lol. i was talking about george flyod and kneeling. and i was like "it's ~~funny~~ ironic that people commemorate the kneeling on the kneeling" and people screaming at me for being a racist for laughing about floyd's death lol

2020-12-16 05:27:49 UTC  


2020-12-16 05:29:09 UTC  

George Floyd’s ghost wonder why people are doing the thing that killed him like: 😑

2020-12-16 05:31:02 UTC  

You really want to make a lefty boi mad insult a communist country. Since Cuba can’t afford toilets for its people I decided to poke fun by throwing a bucket towards my cousin who watched my throw the bucket and said “catch the Cuban toilet”

2020-12-16 05:33:20 UTC  

But my favorite joke has to be “yo help me hang up these posters, just like Jeffery Epstein it isn’t gonna hang itself”

2020-12-16 05:34:05 UTC  

I swear the left really really isn’t a fan of me. So much meltdowns

2020-12-16 05:34:21 UTC  

"Help me hang up these posters. They aren't going to hang themselves like Epstein"

2020-12-16 05:34:48 UTC  

Perfect 👌

2020-12-16 05:36:01 UTC  

nobody is interested about the jeffrey epstein case, like at all. you virtually don't know about it unless you're super plug into politics

2020-12-16 05:36:30 UTC  

I don’t know much about it tbh. I just know they are acting like he killed himself

2020-12-16 05:36:53 UTC  

2/3 of people surveyed believe Epstein did not kill himself

2020-12-16 05:37:27 UTC  


2020-12-16 05:38:08 UTC  

You know how when people are drunk and can’t text right. Someone sent me a drunk ass text and needed a ride and I couldn’t read it so I replied “stop speaking Joe Biden”

2020-12-16 05:38:18 UTC  

pedo-trafficking island with a lot of high profiles (including bill clinton) included in. Luke Rudowski covers this a lot:

2020-12-16 05:38:58 UTC  

Oh shit, we all know what happens when dirt is uncovered on the Clinton’s LMAO

2020-12-16 05:38:59 UTC  


2020-12-16 05:40:15 UTC  

a bunch of info (bill's flight log) was revealed between jan-mar. (around the time covid hits). so that's some food for thought. i think it's a coincidence, but who knows. they say as many as 50% of the government are involved in this

2020-12-16 05:40:37 UTC  

There needs to be more tbh

2020-12-16 05:41:26 UTC  

more reveals? yeah. the trial are still ongoing, and hopefully maxwell won't epsteined herself. they're keeping a very close eye on her

2020-12-16 05:41:44 UTC  

I thought she already died

2020-12-16 05:42:41 UTC  

still alive and kicking