Message from @Dr Badass PhD

Discord ID: 788846661145198612

2020-12-16 19:06:40 UTC  

the person said watch it on tik tok

2020-12-16 19:06:42 UTC  

like wtf

2020-12-16 19:07:10 UTC  

Yeah, I get my medical advice from TikTok <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-16 19:07:34 UTC  

half of the shit that happens in tiktok and majority of them are un educated cunts... no offense to anyone... but it is...

2020-12-16 19:07:41 UTC  

they dont talk logical stuff

2020-12-16 19:08:01 UTC  

Medical advice on Tik Tok in a nutshell: scientists have proven that picking your nose while drinking bleach with 12 candles on a sunset Equinox is proven to relieve cancer.

2020-12-16 19:08:09 UTC  

when we give them logical facts and reason they say... its my right...pfft hell yeah u got the right to be an idiot if u want

2020-12-16 19:08:20 UTC  

Cut out the phrase "no offense" from your vocabulary. Chances are they will get offended for any bullshit reason possible

2020-12-16 19:08:24 UTC  

Ahhh yes of course the most reliable of sources for your medical information needs

2020-12-16 19:08:51 UTC  

Just what the Doctor ordered...

2020-12-16 19:09:04 UTC  

I ain't licking toilets because of what some retard on the internet said

2020-12-16 19:09:24 UTC  

a doctor from my Church clearly told my dad that tell your son to stay away from tiktok cause it has loads of crapy ass shitters

2020-12-16 19:09:39 UTC  

We should dare them to do deadlier things, starting with chugging benadryl

2020-12-16 19:10:03 UTC  

Oh wait TikTok already did that one

2020-12-16 19:10:12 UTC  

but there are some really sensible tiktok videos too

2020-12-16 19:10:44 UTC  

i mean majority are the dumb fucks and the minorities are the.... real sensible people

2020-12-16 19:11:07 UTC  

the Vegan Teacher.... that lady gets me cringe

2020-12-16 19:13:37 UTC  

Vegans are mega cringe

2020-12-16 19:13:38 UTC  

I don't even have the app and never will.
Even on my deathbed.

2020-12-16 19:14:56 UTC  

Vegans arenā€™t healthy because meat is important for muscle mass and vegans canā€™t get the nutrients they need which is why many vegans have to go to hospitals to get their lack of nutrients

2020-12-16 19:15:00 UTC  

Anyway let's have this still be about meltdowns. Don't wanna stray too far from the channel topic.

2020-12-16 19:15:04 UTC  

Don't worry, someone else will do a tiktok dance at your coffin for clout ;)

2020-12-16 19:15:11 UTC  

i am like shocked that half of my generations are using tiktok as a source of Information and facts checking place

2020-12-16 19:15:34 UTC  

And I will come out of my grave after I vote democrat and possess them

2020-12-16 19:15:46 UTC  

We live in a millennium of the blind

2020-12-16 19:16:02 UTC  


2020-12-16 19:16:23 UTC  

It's a good Megadeth song too

2020-12-16 19:18:39 UTC  

Yo any idea how to invite someone here

2020-12-16 19:20:41 UTC  

Swipe left and tap on this

2020-12-16 19:20:46 UTC  

This one lefty ass mofo keeps spamming the hell out of me and when I block em they get a new account and continue

2020-12-16 19:21:13 UTC  

Bruh I canā€™t find the invite button. It isnā€™t there on my phone

2020-12-16 19:21:45 UTC  

Swipe left, the banner is at the top

2020-12-16 19:22:09 UTC

2020-12-16 19:22:34 UTC  

You need to scroll up ALL the way possible

2020-12-16 19:22:38 UTC  

I did

2020-12-16 19:22:50 UTC  

Thatā€™s the image I sent of it all the way at the top

2020-12-16 19:22:55 UTC  

Imma reopen discord

2020-12-16 19:23:11 UTC  

Didnā€™t work... fuck

2020-12-16 19:24:31 UTC  

Like no cap this leftist ass mofo is annoying af, thought maybe only way to get them to shut up is if they get owned harder then I ever could own em

2020-12-16 19:25:09 UTC  

why what happen

2020-12-16 19:25:47 UTC  

This lol