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2020-11-26 02:23:20 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

any fellow indians here

2020-11-26 02:24:02 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Well this one is different I am from India

2020-11-26 02:24:40 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

The 2nd one was better

cant deny to that

but if say that to them that they broke.... some may say that's a hate speech...dunno why but some will say it

people I have a question... since i am not from America and dont know majorly about the inside stuff like politics and all... is it really possible that Russian hack the polling of 2016

i mean is it really that possible

For sure it is not possible even these online news like Vox news and all are saying it...

I mean U guy will for sure have the best of the best intelligence to tackle it

Amen to that

No hurt feeling but why people hate him so since he stepped into the white house.... like before here in my country we never heard of him doing some mischievous stuff...

All these Social media Influencers and some Celebrities... are they paid to you know target him or something

By the way I m from India

here also we have some Trump haters

but their view point of hating him is like.... fucked... no solid reason

I got blocked by many of my liberal friends when i commented on their story.... U in India what will u gain when if Trump loses...

at first me too bit skeptic of this guy but after few proper studies and his reforms and agendas.... i mean its pretty good

Character wise... wont be the best... but in terms of running a country... he good

respect for that man even being spat or cursed by many

true true

thats a good way to compile it

eyh bro mind tell your schooling system


so u walking amongst the demons


thank God that u are still breathing

oh boy


i pity u mate

are the teachers there like the hardcore leftist liberals

here in India we have 2 kinds of liberal left

1 the respectful ones.... they understand our reasons and they do have valid and debatable points and it is fun talking to them

and the second one....Oof better not mention them

here in my school my political science teacher.... she say... You should know things from both the sides so that u can have a valid point and can debate from both the sides

and find it to be effective when it comes to debating

my teacher she hard to define

we ourselves are bit confused if she is a left winged or right winged

cause she says I am a liberal person


but that is a rare piece

well that happens in my class

the teacher says... u are allowed to talk out view points and can defend it

i mean we do have classroom debates... she only interferes when it gets to a point when a fight is about to break out

well sad thing about my class is.... we are student of 43 children and only 7 of us are guys the rest is female students


well when it comes to issue talks the guys in my class we dont have much of a voice

we just listen to them and sometimes be amazed and sometimes....dafuc

any reasons


we do have that kind of people in my school

like after 10th grade we pick our own set of subjects.... some people just take science cause their gf or bf took that

bold move there

i took liberal studies cause I like to think stuff.... my parents tried to force me into Commerce

but hey i told them.... Not all Indians living in India are good in money and maths

why not do the guy role then

I did a female role once... which i didnt want to but had too


cheer up... life aint easy when have that kind of teacher

I was failed by my math teacher twice

Even tho my answer were correct she its wrong and i do the marking

are u guys in High School


I am in Grade 12th that would be like senior high school

ouh fuck

i pity u folks

here in my class the liberal people are respectful

in fact i too am a liberal person but not like the die hard leftist who just point at people's face

saw the map the pol doesnt seem promising for u

hard to come across here in India..... the sjws in India are available in TikTok and Istagram... luckily my Prime Minister banned tiktok

mostly due to people's privacy was being breached and it was like a boycott

cause we had like a boarder dispute

we banned around 50+ chinese apps

cause we had like a intensive boarder dispute with them this year

soo yeah... most of the liberal here did agreed to the saying but there were minor few who didnt liked it

our relationship with china is like.... typical gf bf relationship

sometimes its good sometimes its bad

what kind of gun... handgun

hope u aint like one of those people who get rambo and bang bang


I shot a gun only once and that too in an army camp

the smg looks small but they are quiet heavy

ouh good man

teaching how to use it when to use it and why to use it....



well since u guys have a gun.... why not shoot a bullet in the sky form me

Ahhaha JK

when is the age to own a gun In America

I dunno wtf is wrong with the current movement of BLM... even bunch of Indian kids doing this shit

well today me just turned 18... so me yeeting to your country

2020-11-27 18:59:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

name of dog

2020-11-27 18:59:36 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Dog Name

what is this slut shaming anyways

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