Message from @[TDE] Smokie

Discord ID: 746958213336924190

2020-08-22 22:20:32 UTC  

I honestly don't know what to think about it

2020-08-22 22:20:44 UTC  

Report that Twitter account. It is against Twitter policy to Dox people. Also, report them to the college administration, because it should be against the school policy.

2020-08-22 22:23:49 UTC  

Definitely will do

2020-08-22 22:25:12 UTC  

report them to doj because twitter, and college won't do shit

2020-08-22 22:49:53 UTC  

Agreed. You can threaten to dox Trump boaters, and Twitter will be like, "Ah! I should follow this account! It says good things!"

2020-08-22 23:23:24 UTC  

@_Jacob Anders Tegnell (the architect of Sweden's response) explained that one of the reasons for their response is that he believes it "can't" be eradicated. This may be true as this is what happened in New Zealand and Nova Scotia to my knowledge, as in cases popping back up after being declared eradicated.

2020-08-23 04:56:19 UTC  
2020-08-23 04:59:07 UTC  

So 800k

2020-08-23 04:59:24 UTC  

And appx 8 billion in the world

2020-08-23 04:59:40 UTC  

So 8,000,000,000 ÷ 800,000

2020-08-23 04:59:57 UTC  


2020-08-23 05:00:33 UTC  

So a 1 out of 10k chance you'll die from covid?

2020-08-23 05:01:18 UTC

2020-08-23 05:01:35 UTC

2020-08-23 05:02:13 UTC  

So we have a higher chance of death in an air or space related incident (plane crash) than to die from covid....

2020-08-23 05:02:35 UTC  

smokie, should watch the vid i dropped

2020-08-23 05:02:58 UTC  

apparently the 'test' is to detect if u have human dna

2020-08-23 05:05:09 UTC  

I just dont understand....

2020-08-23 05:05:12 UTC  


2020-08-23 05:05:15 UTC  

So dumb.

2020-08-23 05:07:08 UTC  

vid seems to turn into an ad eventually..but the first 13mins or so is good

2020-08-23 06:59:10 UTC  

So after almost a year (depending on the stats you use of when we were all infected) we have barely surpassed the flu......

2020-08-23 08:19:02 UTC the pandemic won’t end with a vaccine but it could end tomorrow just watch this video WHO have just said how the pandemic can end right now

2020-08-23 12:04:31 UTC  

Sweden: Allow us to introduce ourselves

2020-08-23 12:07:41 UTC  

And I thought Neil Ferguson was a complete quack.....

2020-08-23 13:32:12 UTC  

I just wish the UK had stuck to their guns and carried on with the heard immunity plan, rather than bowing to the left and media's backlash. Then we could have been though it like Sweden

2020-08-23 13:51:11 UTC  

@_Jacob YES, and also not put infected people in care homes Governor Cuomo style, I also heard they're removing *several thousands of deaths* due to realizing how much were falsified.

2020-08-23 13:52:02 UTC  

And Sweden went from being called madmen to being praised by the WHO and the MSM

2020-08-23 14:14:48 UTC  

> YES, and also not put infected people in care homes Governor Cuomo style, I also heard they're removing *several thousands of deaths* due to realizing how much were falsified.
@Lord Vader I was unaware of covid patients going into care homes, but who knows. Our covid toll includes care homes deaths unlike most countries anyway, so I can't see the benefit.

The method of counting deaths is still messed up here, but at least its not like it was. Before they recorded anyone who died, for any reason, after a positive test, even if that test was 2 months before. Now they are just recording anyone who dies within 28 days of a positive test, so its still catching a load of completely unrelated deaths, but its now 5,377 lower

2020-08-23 14:17:20 UTC  

Yep, same in Canada, literally 82% of Covid "deaths" were in LTC homes, so that takes off like 82k immediately in Canada.

2020-08-23 14:28:49 UTC  

btw, trump going to make an announcement later today on covid, details are in the trump or election news section

2020-08-23 14:39:01 UTC  

Like, the UK is cited as the worst in Europe which a) doesn't take into account the proportionate population size, then it would be Belgium b) the fact that England is the most densely populated country in Europe (if you ignore micronations) and c) We are recording every covid death, unlike places like France and Spain

2020-08-23 16:14:24 UTC  

So does hcq really work? What about zinc?

2020-08-23 16:43:36 UTC  

That is interesting. But if both covid and chromosome 8 are similar, wouldn't the tests be coming back 100% positive?

2020-08-23 16:54:38 UTC  

> That is interesting. But if both covid and chromosome 8 are similar, wouldn't the tests be coming back 100% positive?
@Son of Nerds