Message from @Armenelos

Discord ID: 764301814873980948

2020-10-08 17:14:07 UTC  


2020-10-08 17:24:30 UTC  

These people's bright ideas are not so bright.

2020-10-08 18:35:04 UTC  

seriously, u all need to check out first few seasons of a show called 'sliders'

2020-10-08 18:35:54 UTC  

in one of the eps, the crew slides into a world where the medical industry has everybody on lockdown for a global pandemic...even the food is sterilized ....they never developed antibiotics

2020-10-09 04:33:47 UTC  

"On Sept. 20, after a class discussion of the case for universal masking as defense against transmission of SARS-COV-2 (in which discussion she did not participate), a student took to Twitter to express her fury that Prof. Miller had brought up the randomized, controlled tests - all of those so far conducted on the subject - finding that masks and ventilators are ineffective at preventing such transmission, because the COVID-19 virions are too small for such expedients to block them."

2020-10-09 06:55:29 UTC  

Yeah. That's been known for decades now too. Masks dont work at all against coronaviruses.

2020-10-09 14:28:41 UTC  

^ an important 2 minute message about COVID-19 and Trump's epic return after his decent into the grim and dark underworld of the coronavirus

2020-10-09 14:32:17 UTC  

is it just me or does he sound happier and more relaxed after the virus?

2020-10-09 14:59:15 UTC  

@Red Jasper this exactly 😄

2020-10-09 22:39:57 UTC  


2020-10-10 00:28:38 UTC  

Did the math on the IFR on Covid-19 after the WHO's announcement that it has already infected 10% of the world's population, it's the same as the seasonal flu (0.001), and that's including all these god knows how much falsified deaths.

2020-10-10 01:38:46 UTC  

OK this is personal covid news. Today I was able to visit my grandma in her assisted living facility which had been on super strict lockdown all year. I was still only allowed in a certain "zone" but will take what I can get. I wore a mask the whole time, other than for a minute to try to get her to recognize who I was. I wasn't going to have driven an hour just to get the boot. But she never put a mask on the whole time! It was so fun watching the staff chase her around while she pretended that she didn't know what a mask was!!! 🤣 She must have learned that it's the best way to not be lonely!!!! **You know you'll always have someone around you, if you don't wear a mask!!!!!** The guy took our temperature while we were hugging goodbye. I had never had a temperature check hug before. It was weird. But reliable sources tell me I'll be visiting again soon. 😛

2020-10-10 01:42:32 UTC  

@MikaSetsu Good ol' "pro-national-mask-mandate" joe!

2020-10-10 17:12:50 UTC  

well at least nobody's dying of old age anymore...we can live forever now

2020-10-11 12:25:21 UTC  

"The idea of opening up the economy and pursuing herd immunity is a position that experts from different professions across the world endorse. Whether or not that is a good policy can only be decided by implementation and debate."

2020-10-11 16:59:49 UTC  

@Soulman omg but what good well-behaved people they are taking in consideration the lives of everyone else.... 🤮

2020-10-11 18:41:57 UTC  

I keep hearing people say Trump lied about covid but I do not know what the lie is. Is there even a lie he said about it?

2020-10-11 18:42:06 UTC  

What did he say that are making people say he lied?

2020-10-11 20:19:35 UTC  

I'd bet that they are trying to claim that he "didn't share enough information with the American people" and that he "downplayed the virus and did nothing to stop it". I don't agree with their claims but if I was playing devil's advocate, that would be the argument I'd try to make even though I don't see how it makes sense.

2020-10-11 21:27:46 UTC  

@Son of Nerds the thing is the Covid lockdowns are entirely biased as well as the strategy in which they expect Trump to meet with high standards. Trump handled it in a manner in which a constitutionalist or republican would have handled the matter. Not in the manner in which a tyrant would have or a democrat. Trump even said explained his strategy again during the debate with Joe Biden. The thing is, they're just trying to make Donald Trump look bad in whatever way possible. If he did lockdown and break the constitution, they would have every reason to impeach Trump. They don't give Trump the credit he deserves nor do they give him enough room to walk without stepping on eggshells. 2020 has only proven Trump is not a tyrant, but the democratic leaders are.

2020-10-11 21:28:22 UTC  

Trump's methodology in handling the covid 19 pandemic is also more logical if you want to talk about science.

2020-10-11 21:28:39 UTC  

Same thing goes with the Governor of South Dakota. She did a great job.

2020-10-11 22:39:00 UTC  

So, does this mean that the media is going to stop urging Trump to follow the WHO's advice now?

2020-10-11 23:15:15 UTC  

social media platforms enforce the threat of covid and forces us all to lockdown

2020-10-11 23:15:23 UTC  

same goes for msm

2020-10-11 23:15:46 UTC  

and claim to use WHO guidelines