Message from @turn_key

Discord ID: 777933467132231751

2020-11-15 15:50:45 UTC  

Weird it won't link lol... One more try

2020-11-15 21:56:53 UTC  

COVID-19 infections are soaring. Lockdowns could be coming. Here's a list of restrictions in your state.

2020-11-16 03:06:33 UTC  

Yes. That's true. Many people, including myself, had already known about COVID-19 before the U.S. closed its borders. Why the sudden scare, we may never know.

2020-11-16 03:06:58 UTC  

I just dismissed it as "oh another one of these scares."

2020-11-16 03:26:19 UTC  

Im pretty sure I had this back in January, and my doctor thinks it was here as early as November.

2020-11-16 03:31:20 UTC  

Yeah I think I had it before the shutdown. All I know is I had a very bad cold and got over it within 3 days. This happened at the beginning of March

2020-11-16 05:30:16 UTC  

Anyone who thinks they’ve had a cold or the flu in the last 6 months HAS NOT! You had covid. The flu and colds don’t exist anymore.
Be careful guys. This virus 🦠 knows when you finish eating and don’t immediately put your face muzzle on.
It knows when you cross that 6 foot line, it leaves you alone when you go to the grocery store but is ready and waiting for you at the gym!
It’s getting smarter by the day. Be careful out there

2020-11-16 09:18:29 UTC

2020-11-16 09:18:31 UTC  


2020-11-16 14:09:07 UTC  

Screw you, Tapper and Fauci. I’m going to eat turkey and make fun of Black Friday shoppers with my cousins anyway.

2020-11-16 15:49:17 UTC The real question is, for all the fear mongering media and politicians and "experts", if Covid was around one year ago and already spreading and if it was so deadly, then how did we survive like half a year with NO RESTRICTIONS whatsoever?

2020-11-16 15:50:03 UTC  

There are a ton of other articles so this is one of them

2020-11-16 15:54:25 UTC

2020-11-16 16:26:29 UTC  

> Anyone who thinks they’ve had a cold or the flu in the last 6 months HAS NOT! You had covid. The flu and colds don’t exist anymore.
> Be careful guys. This virus 🦠 knows when you finish eating and don’t immediately put your face muzzle on.
> It knows when you cross that 6 foot line, it leaves you alone when you go to the grocery store but is ready and waiting for you at the gym!
> It’s getting smarter by the day. Be careful out there
@HR Well, shoot. My mom has had a cold for like ten months now (according to her. I haven’t seen her blowing her nose much, so I don’t know, but she is taking some cold medicine). If she really had covid instead, our area should be awash with cases. We’d either all be dead or all be immune by now. Neither has happened. Strange that.

2020-11-16 16:29:08 UTC  

> Screw you, Tapper and Fauci. I’m going to eat turkey and make fun of Black Friday shoppers with my cousins anyway.
@SPRTNWRRYR1974 Ditto. Well, not with my cousins. They are all out of state, but with my siblings at least.

Hmm. That brings about another interesting question. They are trying to cancel Thanksgiving. Are they also trying to cancel Black Friday?

2020-11-16 16:29:51 UTC  

no, covid does not exist in walmart

2020-11-16 16:30:05 UTC  

or target, or anything delivered by amaxon

2020-11-16 16:30:16 UTC  

very smart that virus

2020-11-16 16:48:55 UTC  

Could be a bit conspiracy but also a very likely possibility

2020-11-16 17:38:27 UTC  

but only if you social distance.... lol

2020-11-16 19:28:44 UTC  

more commie "it takes a village" bullshit

2020-11-16 20:11:44 UTC  

oh that all over again?

2020-11-16 23:11:39 UTC  

A second lockdown would spark an uprising

2020-11-17 00:06:12 UTC Newsom having a tough time apologizing... And talking about preaching... Churches are closed for that...

2020-11-17 02:20:39 UTC  

the covid vaccine is just the beggining of whats coming, prepare my brothers and sisters

2020-11-17 02:38:59 UTC  

i don't know how people don't see this. lol

2020-11-17 02:39:05 UTC  

It's so worrying.

2020-11-17 02:44:58 UTC  

yes... Build Back Better... believe it was Boris that started that... it is the WEF globalists mantra

2020-11-17 03:01:36 UTC  

Trudeau just sounds weak