Message from @ray liotta private select
Discord ID: 781167034096156713
yeah canada is goin a little nuts with mask orders just like some states here are trying to do
Should we take over Canada?
Do you really want Canadians?
ill grab my ruger and lets go free them syrup bois
we have our own problems we have to worry about
can't always take care of everyone else when we're struggling ourselves
So if I blow my brains out with a 12 guage and have COVID, I died from COVID?
yes pretty much
That's pretty fucked up right there...
Compromise time, I advise getting a “Turturkeykey” 😈
I didn't expect to find highly intelligent life forms in this area.
If anyone follows those edicts... they are brainless... handed their freedom to their ruler on a platter... unbelievable!
Oh trust me the turkey is thawing and it's still a go at my house
😃 me too! Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope it’s harder
More in person the better
i got fios data caps
what comcast is doing is basically biz suicide ...because alot of the customers will switch over to another provider not offering data caps Auditor General: "I'm gonna debunk this man's whole career" *epic mic drop*
Peru was doing ok and in less than a day they jumped to 78%
yeah... kinda makes one wonder who is working in the labs that report this bs
Is thay just a % of cases that were positive of those tested?
It’s good for comparing countries because it accounts for testing and population
yeah and people can test multiple times
Final someone who's actually gonna save us from this bullshit