Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 783835856234217472

2020-12-02 14:03:42 UTC  

a balance between both methods helps u heal while fighting off problems

2020-12-02 14:06:25 UTC  

covid research thread, open it up to see all the posts that follow -

2020-12-02 14:09:52 UTC  

I heard they traced some cases to as early as September 2019

2020-12-02 16:06:30 UTC  

I think covid will be the new flu. Ever since the flu epidemic hit us back in the early 1900’s, it stuck around, because it’s a virus, and they’ll do anything to survive. But the restrictions and the lockdowns are WAY out of hand. We can’t live our lives like this. The people that have been saying that it’s the “new normal” are just being doomers. We are NOT a dystopian nation. I’ve been praying everyday to God that the tyranny and the hypocrasy ends very very soon, and I hope my prayers will be answered. GOD BLESS AMERICA

2020-12-02 17:03:30 UTC  

This is Terrifying

2020-12-02 18:31:40 UTC  

Apparently CNN admitted that china lied about covid

2020-12-02 18:32:00 UTC  

According to steven crowder

2020-12-02 18:47:48 UTC  

The Communist left allowed chaz to run for over 20 days, destroy millions of dollars worth of property, kill people, and cause millions more in manpower... but this guy can't open his business for one day? I can't believe people are not outraged as I am.

2020-12-02 19:14:47 UTC  

Perhaps it was China’s intention to release this virus on accident

2020-12-02 19:15:02 UTC  

But why would they?

2020-12-02 21:06:49 UTC  

it wasn't on accident, it was to be able to start that Great Reset crap

2020-12-02 23:19:20 UTC  

plenty of 'virus based illnesses' out there have an awful alot of identical chemical toxic exposure effects

2020-12-02 23:20:56 UTC  

It just seems like HIV is a thing according to some of the ads I see

2020-12-02 23:21:04 UTC  

do some history checking ..the spanish flu happened 6months to a yr after end of ww1 ..where they used chemical weapons...and the only ones effected were the soldiers exposed to the chemical weapons and the citizens near the battlefield at the time of the chemical weapon usage....spanish flu was never contagious

2020-12-02 23:22:00 UTC  

then u get to ebola 'virus' effects ....has exact same effects on the body as warpharin

2020-12-02 23:23:06 UTC  

According to some of the docs I seen on Ebola it started with a kid eating a bat

2020-12-02 23:23:14 UTC  

warpharin was first developed as a pesticide...then later in a drastically reduced amount for medicine a blood thinner

2020-12-02 23:23:51 UTC  

seems to be the common narrative ..somebody eating a bat

2020-12-02 23:24:03 UTC  


2020-12-02 23:24:04 UTC  

didn't 'covid' come from somebody eating a bat?

2020-12-02 23:24:21 UTC  

They said the same thing

2020-12-02 23:24:28 UTC  

aids claim was from somebody eating a monkey

2020-12-02 23:25:25 UTC  

These doc I see are as reliable as CNN and MSNBC

2020-12-02 23:26:14 UTC  

same club, different dept

2020-12-02 23:26:52 UTC  

BBC is also part of the club after watching it document covid

2020-12-02 23:28:24 UTC  

as ppl wake up to the bs..msm is just entertainment, not truth nor 'news'

2020-12-02 23:29:09 UTC  

Their tabloids like we see in our grocery store magazine rack

2020-12-02 23:29:26 UTC  

theres a reason why it was called tell-a-vison

2020-12-02 23:29:42 UTC  

Lol good one

2020-12-02 23:30:49 UTC  

Both covid and the Spanish Flu were manmade

2020-12-02 23:33:29 UTC  

eventually u reach a discovery point for some connections to binding effects between 'viruses' and toxins

2020-12-02 23:34:34 UTC  

now for some fun searching

2020-12-02 23:34:40 UTC  

go look up polio

2020-12-02 23:34:47 UTC  


2020-12-02 23:34:59 UTC  

copy down all the 'effects'

2020-12-02 23:35:33 UTC  

then look for any other 'illnesses' that have nearly identical or actual identical illness effects

2020-12-02 23:36:02 UTC  

eventually u'll make a discover that polio was never 'cured' via a just got renamed

2020-12-02 23:36:49 UTC  

also it turned out polio was nearly gone for new cases before the 'vaxx' for it came out