Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 788259472421290014

2020-12-14 03:03:58 UTC  

Tired of drinking hard liquor I mean democrats then you need democrat lite

2020-12-14 03:04:08 UTC  

when earlier this yr, prior to the actual start of the 'covid' lockdown, the police came out and said they weren't making any non violent arrests without a valid court order....prior to that it was searches and seizure central

2020-12-14 03:04:15 UTC  

All the taste of hard democrat with extra likability

2020-12-14 03:05:21 UTC  

Politicians need to advertise themselves as alcohol more often

2020-12-14 03:06:00 UTC  

It would really appeal to the alcoholic voter base

2020-12-14 03:38:27 UTC

2020-12-14 03:49:24 UTC  

Assuming the vaccine becomes fully licensed, the Pentagon at that point would make a determination whether the vaccine will be mandatory, McCaffery said.

The pilot vaccination at 12 continental and 4 off-continental sites — Hawaii included — “is to demonstrate that the process that we’ve developed actually works,” Place said. “Once we validate it, this controlled pilot, we have really scores of sites, hundreds of sites across the country and across the world” that will receive the vaccine.

2020-12-14 06:41:12 UTC  

My county just got put in the red zone. We are now getting ready for a lock down.

2020-12-14 18:36:04 UTC  

The Netherlands just went into a 5 week lockdown 😳

2020-12-14 21:27:29 UTC  

How tf are we already up to 300k deaths

2020-12-14 21:27:36 UTC  

If it’s like 1k a day

2020-12-14 21:27:47 UTC  

And 250k was like a couple days ago

2020-12-14 21:27:59 UTC  

And people believe it which is the worst part

2020-12-14 21:30:02 UTC  

my county is going to do door to door rona "test", they are calling it a prevention program

2020-12-15 00:36:56 UTC  

The common cold is caused by viruses: More than a hundred have been identified. But in 40 to 60 percent of individuals with colds, researchers cannot connect the infection to a specific virus. That makes it tough to find a cure. Two groups of viruses are known to be associated with colds—the rhinoviruses and the more recently identified coronaviruses. These viruses are clearly distinct from those that cause influenza, measles, and pneumonia. Success in developing vaccines against other diseases has made some experts optimistic about finding a vaccine for the common cold. Others are pessimistic because of the great variety of viruses and the fact that the rhinoviruses can apparently change their immunologic reactivity very readily. (Health-Drugs Society and human behavior-Hart,17e p.263)

2020-12-15 00:38:22 UTC  

this is just some evidence you can show people that corona virus is just the common cold

2020-12-15 03:51:44 UTC  

history never repeats itself unless ppl are taught to forget history

2020-12-15 04:08:32 UTC  

Or taught a fictionalized version. Or simply not taught it at all.

2020-12-15 04:21:43 UTC  

as a fan of history i was amazed and startled to find out alot of history was covered up from me when i finally discovered hidden history

2020-12-15 04:22:33 UTC  

seems like everything is vague between 1800's and 1900's except for slight mentions of war of 1812 and civil war

2020-12-15 04:22:52 UTC  

then goes vague again til fed reserve creation

2020-12-15 05:33:58 UTC  


2020-12-15 05:58:05 UTC  

I don't know much about Bevelyn Beatty, but she seems to have her head on straight and she's talking about a summit she attended for America's Front Line Doctors about the vaccine, which she says they said is NOT a covid vaccine, but an experimental vaccine that has not been tested as much as it should. They skipped a stage to get it out and from what's she's saying it's potentially even more dangerous than I'd heard before. I'm still watching and I did save the video, but here's the link: I think it is worth checking out if it has not been deleted by the time you see this.

2020-12-15 12:38:56 UTC

2020-12-15 13:20:34 UTC

Wow. Didn't think the Media would ever say that. Still dumb fucks but yeah.

2020-12-15 17:24:38 UTC  

@ErrantBelle who is the comedian from the video you posted above?

2020-12-15 18:18:01 UTC  

And they reported 2200 "OMG A RECORD NUMBER OF CASES" after having "an extra two and a half hours" to get through more numbers through the data system today

2020-12-15 18:28:20 UTC  

Looks like Belarus is no longer "Europe's last dictatorship"

2020-12-15 18:50:56 UTC  

When the head of one of the very companies distributing it didn't take it because of such a bs reason, we've REALLY fucked up as a race....

2020-12-15 18:54:14 UTC  

@ItsAboutToGetGrusome Sorry, I tried to find out her name, but no one seems to know. If I learn anything in the future I'll let you know...

2020-12-15 20:01:22 UTC  

Thank you, I haven't seen her before either

2020-12-16 00:00:48 UTC

2020-12-16 00:14:51 UTC