Message from @Pal3Rid3r

Discord ID: 788874867272974356

2020-12-16 17:13:00 UTC  

I love how everyone was like Bill Nye said it will take 2 years and trump makes it in 9 months

2020-12-16 17:16:48 UTC  

If the we still have to wear masks after getting vaccinated what does the vaccine do

2020-12-16 17:18:43 UTC  

if the vaccine works, why do we still need the masks and social distancing, or does the vaccine not really do anything beneficial

2020-12-16 17:24:12 UTC  

I think that the vaccine may be a good thing and that the media is trying to spin things around.

2020-12-16 17:32:39 UTC  

they are saying take the vaccine, but we still need to lockdown so the Vaccine doesnt actually help

2020-12-16 17:34:27 UTC  

they are doing this because it's not their preferred vaxx

2020-12-16 17:36:55 UTC  

If all the politicians and media reporters take the vaccine, I will consider taking it

2020-12-16 17:39:18 UTC  

and what if they get saline injection like they did to convince u for the past 40yrs or so just so u'd take their 'vaxx'

2020-12-16 17:42:12 UTC  

I said consider. Never said I was going to do it

2020-12-16 18:05:50 UTC  
2020-12-16 18:14:11 UTC  

i told my dad whats the point of the vaccine if we still have to wear masks and he got mad and told me to stop believing stuff I see on the internet

2020-12-16 18:15:07 UTC  


2020-12-16 18:15:33 UTC  

since the virus isnt actually that deadly but people are still scared of it

2020-12-16 18:15:46 UTC  

the vaccine will bring a psychological end to the pandemic

2020-12-16 18:15:51 UTC  

and thats what matters

2020-12-16 18:31:19 UTC  

'stay inside so u don't see the non-existing bodybags of dead ppl everywhere except for when needed for the narrative on the news'

2020-12-16 20:38:25 UTC  

I just got the vaccine a few hours ago.

2020-12-16 20:45:22 UTC  

I’m a doctor and take care of hospitalized Covid patients and have a pregnant wife at home. Some apprehension but figured I might as well be a guinea pig. I’ll let you know if anything fun happens

2020-12-16 21:06:11 UTC

2020-12-16 21:06:36 UTC  

I hope you’re ok!!!!!

2020-12-16 21:07:04 UTC  

Sorry for the bad news 😬😬😬😬

2020-12-16 23:10:30 UTC  

im never going to take that Vaccine

2020-12-16 23:22:11 UTC  


2020-12-17 01:34:34 UTC  

**Do not take the the mrna vaccine, wait until the NVAX one or don't take it at all. NVAX is a traditional standard vaccine that's been declared "safe". It should be out relatively soon as well and in large quantities.**

Read the wikipedia page on mRNA vaccines for specifically not why mRNA although there will be more below so keep reading first, they censor it a great deal but it still should be enough to set off your nonsense alarms.

I'm going to keep it light on the "conspiracy" side because one I don't think you guys respond to that and two I don't think it's necessary to go there to convince you.
Long COVID is a real potential and potentially life threatening outcome of getting the disease, so this is a discussion about trust and weighing risks. Do know this does not mean there is 0 risk to getting and even surviving COVID.

Read this after you look at the rest, it gives a comprehensive sourced history of coronavirus vaccines. This applies to the NVAX vaccine. The rest of the post will be related to mRNA systems.
The NVAX trials do not show the dangers presented in this article and while that may be true, the World Economic Forum notes that the normal time from the beginning of Phase I for a vaccine to Phase III in trials is 5-9 years.
There have been multiple attempts at SARS and MERS over the last 50+ years and none successful despite the urgent nature the severity of those viruses demand,
If there hasn't been success over all those attempts, even with the reasearch of the the entire world I do not trust them to safely produce one in under a year when the normal FDA PHase I-III period is at least 5 years. The disclaimer to this is, someone does point out it can take little to no time at all to develop a 90% effective vaccine and that it's mostly beauracracy and funding to get it through all the trials

2020-12-17 01:34:54 UTC  

To quote the article, "If you’re under the age of 40, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%, meaning you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the infection. And you could improve that to 99.999% if you’re metabolically flexible and vitamin D replete."

Most of you reading this are under 40 but even to those who aren't maybe it decreases to 99.5% or for your parents / grandparents 95.5%, that still should not justify the risk of taking something we have little to no data on as far as vaccines go.
The historical data we do have says vaccines for viruses like this will make you more sick, not less.

**There is already have some evidence of issues**

4 participants in Pfizer trials develop Bell's Palsy -

FDA admits 2 have died in Pfizer trials possibly related to vaccine-

**This is freely admitted, no conspiracy although you'll have a hard time finding any American MSM reporting**
*A disclaimer to these articles is 6 died in the placebo group, and the occurence of Bell's Palsy was about normal to the average occurance for the population.*
*Death (2 vaccine group .01%, 4 placebo .02%) and Bell's palsy (4 vaccine group .02%, 0 placebo) during vaccine trials. Occurrence of both is at similar rates to the general population*
*Granted even if the deaths aren't attributable to the vaccine where is the benefit for those under 40 with a 99.99% survival rate?*

2020-12-17 01:35:09 UTC  

4.6% have severe reactions after first dose -
Even MSM isn't hiding it at this point -

Up to 4.6% of the participants have severe adverse reactions. This is compared to the literal 99.999% chance you survive otherwise if you have good vitamin D levels.

"They wouldn't knowingly do all this if they knew it was dangerous"
Go watch a documentary on thalidomide babies. They absolutely would do this and have in the past.

But who is "they"? CCP

Pfizer, AstraZeneca employed 123 CCP members -

2020-12-17 01:35:17 UTC  

**Regardless of all this and all the science, look at what they do, not what they say. Does this strike you as confidence in the effects of the vaccine?**

Elites not following their own rules as normal -

Astrazeneca exempt from liability claims -

Pfizer exempt from liability claims -

Donald Trump and WH staff not taking vaccine (although might be for PR) -

Pfizer CEO not taking vaccine -

To Christians: if something could be the mark of the beast, whether it actually is or not, ask yourself if that's a risk you'd take or let others take without a fuss even at 0.01% chance that it is

2020-12-17 01:45:36 UTC  

"Be humble and keep this short" my behind bro.

2020-12-17 01:46:12 UTC  

lol, that's a very extensive approach and assessment of it though, thank you @Masto

2020-12-17 01:46:30 UTC  

my credentials at least lol

2020-12-17 01:46:43 UTC  

I'll probably remove that part

2020-12-17 01:47:36 UTC  

I would be forced to get the vaccine

2020-12-17 01:48:09 UTC  

i thought it was great until they started with the “youll still jave to wear a mask and social distance”

2020-12-17 01:58:12 UTC  

I would like to say I called it. I knew they would become a full on clown and say that you still need to stay inside, wear a mask, and social distance despite the vaccine

2020-12-17 02:22:27 UTC  
2020-12-17 03:02:05 UTC  

edited to second draft

2020-12-17 03:50:19 UTC  

v3 posted

2020-12-17 03:50:50 UTC  

important to be truthful, even without fearmongering it's still an obvious choice not to imo

2020-12-17 03:57:28 UTC  

I agree. I won't be getting it. And i know several nurses who won't be either