Message from @little hollow

Discord ID: 793250768790093824

2020-12-28 15:23:18 UTC  

“We at the 7 universities that did the lab tests on these 1500 samples are now suing the CDC for Covid 19 fraud. the CDC has yet to send us a single viable, isolated and purifed sample of Covid 19. If they can't or won't send us a viable sample, I say there is no Covid 19, it is fictitious. The four research papers that do describe the genomic extracts of the Covid 19 virus never were successful in isolating and purifying the samples. All the four papers written on Covid 19 only describe small bits of RNA which were only 37 to 40 base pairs long which is NOT A VIRUS. A viral genome is typically 30,000 to 40,000 base pairs. With as bad as Covid is supposed to be all over the place, how come no one in any lab world wide has ever isolated and purified this virus in its entirety? That's because they've never really found the virus, all they've ever found was small pieces of RNA which were never identified as the virus anyway.
“So what we're dealing with is just another flu strain like every year, COVID 19 does not exist and is fictitious. I believe China and the globalists orchestrated this COVID hoax (the flu disguised as a novel virus) to bring in global tyranny and a worldwide police totalitarian surveillance state, and this plot included massive election fraud.”

2020-12-28 15:23:41 UTC  

So? That's one person

2020-12-28 15:30:40 UTC  

The governor of WA, Jay Inslee's Facebook profile photo has had a fake cartoon mask on it for months.

2020-12-28 16:37:02 UTC  

And Dr. Fauci is just one person saying all this bs about covid. Meanwhile, several thousand real doctors are saying this is getting out of hand but any attempt to tell the public about it results in big tech censoring them.

2020-12-28 17:18:20 UTC  

It just keeps getting more disturbing by the minute.

Spain 'to register' those who refuse to have Covid-19 vaccine.

Who do governments think they are?!

2020-12-28 17:18:52 UTC  

You taking the vaccine?

2020-12-28 17:20:26 UTC

2020-12-28 17:48:00 UTC  

@Pal3Rid3r No, but not because I don't trust it. I have a lot of other medical conditions I'd prefer to keep private, but essentially my immune system is overreactive to vaccines or illness in general making me far more susceptible to both Covid and the vaccine

2020-12-28 17:50:31 UTC  

Well I’ve watched too many sad stories of healthy kids going in for vax and coming home ending up to be permanently damaged.

2020-12-28 17:51:20 UTC  

I don’t trust any company that can put a product in your body and aren’t liable for damages.

2020-12-28 18:20:06 UTC  

Right, and that's partly because of immune issues. The vaccines aren't inherently damaging, it's because of other issues. Do the research

2020-12-28 18:50:14 UTC  

So if they wouldn’t have taken the vaccine they wouldn’t have had a reaction, right? You agree with the ingredients in these things?

2020-12-28 18:58:48 UTC  

The ingredients can cause allergic reactions and the intended response can cause over-reactions

2020-12-28 22:25:29 UTC  

it's sick

2020-12-28 22:38:05 UTC  

Source please

2020-12-28 22:53:55 UTC  

Thank you

2020-12-28 22:55:02 UTC  

this is truly making me sick

2020-12-28 22:55:21 UTC  

Again, if a police officer is arresting you for an unlawful reason, don't resist. We have laws in place to protect from this kind of stuff. When you fight back and resist you're giving them a reason to push you down harder and fight more.

2020-12-28 22:55:46 UTC  


2020-12-28 22:55:52 UTC  

They don’t seem to understand this

2020-12-28 22:56:00 UTC  

Legal action can be taken and will be taken against these officers I'm sure, but like now this dude is going to have to deal with resisting arrest claims in court

2020-12-28 22:57:52 UTC  

Arrest for what not wearing a mask?

2020-12-28 22:58:17 UTC  

if you think thats right then you're crazy

2020-12-28 23:00:08 UTC  

It's not right

2020-12-28 23:00:16 UTC  

But the police are going to arrest you either way.

2020-12-28 23:00:55 UTC  

And it would be better not to have a messy case while suing them for invading your constitutional rights

2020-12-28 23:01:43 UTC  

The first one to escalate this incident was the guy with the Blue shirt he touched the disabled vet first if you look at it so why are they arresting the Vet

2020-12-28 23:02:12 UTC  

Makes 0 sense

2020-12-28 23:02:29 UTC  

It looks like he's with the security right there

2020-12-28 23:02:50 UTC  

Which doesn't make it right, but still

2020-12-28 23:03:04 UTC  

ya who does that guy in blue shirt think he is

2020-12-28 23:03:17 UTC  

the Police came for what it seems in the beginning of the video to with a argument with the vet

2020-12-28 23:04:02 UTC  

then the blue guy touched the Vet then the Vet pushes him off then the police go for the Vet not the blue shirt guy

2020-12-28 23:10:01 UTC  

This was sent to me by a friend. Is it real or is it fake?

2020-12-28 23:10:33 UTC  

BBC says its fake and they know best...right?

2020-12-28 23:26:09 UTC  

Why is security punishing him?

2020-12-28 23:29:10 UTC  

i don't know the full story. Seemingly security and police were called because he was not wearing a mask and would not put one on