Message from @LuckyPuffy

Discord ID: 774915224515379241

2020-11-08 04:21:47 UTC  

Wake up. The earth is flat!!!!

2020-11-08 04:23:50 UTC  

Then why?:
1. Haven't we floated away
2. fallen off the edge
3. Haven't found the Hologram projector for the Moon
4. Ran out of water since it spills over the edge

2020-11-08 04:24:12 UTC  

seems pretty sus to me

2020-11-08 04:24:58 UTC  

You make a good point

2020-11-08 05:09:40 UTC  

1. The earth has special magnets
2. It's infinite flat earth
3. It's in a tree somewhere
4. It recycles after it falls off the earth

2020-11-08 05:09:50 UTC  

/ s obviously

2020-11-08 05:11:43 UTC  

i like to picture my earth in the shape of a taco

2020-11-08 05:11:55 UTC  

im one of those taco earthers

2020-11-08 05:12:15 UTC  

ok sorry that was dumb...

2020-11-08 05:13:02 UTC  

Covid was planned for sure

2020-11-08 05:27:10 UTC  

> 1. The earth has special magnets
> 2. It's infinite flat earth
> 3. It's in a tree somewhere
> 4. It recycles after it falls off the earth
@hyliandragon *presses the emergency button* Hylian is sus

2020-11-08 05:27:22 UTC  


2020-11-08 05:59:19 UTC  

Guys the mole people exist!!! They are the ones manufacturing the people that make up the establishment in America! Dig deeper on the core to expose them for who they are and execute them!

2020-11-08 06:00:45 UTC  

Amen to that

2020-11-08 07:10:55 UTC  

Mole people huh?

2020-11-08 07:11:00 UTC  

do they fight lizard people?

2020-11-08 08:31:24 UTC  

Hillary Clinton fraudulently made Trump win the election in 2016 because she did not want to live in the same home as Bill.

2020-11-08 08:32:01 UTC  

still sick that she would want to be in the same office her husband had sex in all the time

2020-11-08 08:32:02 UTC  

This provided her with great status in the media and the Democrats were able to attack Trump and impeach him.

2020-11-08 08:33:54 UTC  

She was able to kill Epstein without the fear of public watch and it allowed her to cover Bill Clinton from being investigated.

2020-11-08 08:36:26 UTC  

Conspiracy: China was involved in the 2020 election.

2020-11-08 08:36:57 UTC  

Ofcourse they were.. Biden is the prime example.

2020-11-08 08:37:39 UTC  

and with the Yuan tanking also NK making an emergency meeting

2020-11-08 08:42:52 UTC  

The ones that want lockdowns know about the fact COVID is being able to hit more effectively with a lack of Vitamin D. They want to keep us locked into our homes to make our immune system worse, and after that, they “wonder” why is there a second or a third wave of cases. It’s clear that studies have shown that Vitamin D lack makes a person more likely to get the virus. They know this very well. They want us to get used to the Asian lifestyle. Notice that they wear it because the air is polluted. It’s secretly an environmentalist action.

2020-11-08 08:43:29 UTC  

This virus is the perfect excuse for “green” energy, for “antivirus masks”, and so on.

2020-11-08 08:44:08 UTC  

mainly this, also since Nov 3rd covid has fallen off the earth

2020-11-08 08:44:41 UTC  

Sunlight helps generate vitamin D, so perhaps.

2020-11-08 08:45:03 UTC  

Wait... did COVID catch a break, now that Trump is out? How odd, isn’t it? 🤔🤨

2020-11-08 08:47:33 UTC  

It would make sense considering they were parading in D.C. while being extremely close to eachother.

2020-11-08 08:49:24 UTC  

COVID also caught a break during our local elections. No, in fact, you could vote, even if you had COVID. You’d just be in a sort of a rush mode, with gloves and all sorts of stuff.

2020-11-08 08:49:57 UTC  

Which is interesting, they could’ve given those masks to pupils, to poor people, not specifically for voting.

2020-11-08 08:51:12 UTC  


2020-11-08 08:52:34 UTC  

> It would make sense considering they were parading in D.C. while being extremely close to eachother.
@Rocci weren’t they protesting? Still...

2020-11-08 12:49:34 UTC  

Should we just rename this channel "Truths" at this point?

2020-11-08 14:34:36 UTC  

Reddit took so long to change logo back to normal, because then they continued to be racist.

2020-11-08 16:34:51 UTC  

seems kind of fishy because the democrat's only big claim was they would handle Covid better but all the places effected by Covid-19 the most was either a democrat stronghold or voted for trump. California, New York and Illinios will always be democrat while texas and florida, the battle ground states all voted for trump. my guess is that Trump succeeded in defeating the democrats strongest issues and scored records in black and latino voters while Biden mantained a steady lead in dead and illigal martian voters

2020-11-08 16:44:19 UTC  

covid 19 was a bioweapon released by China in a botched population control effort.

2020-11-08 17:17:07 UTC  

Democrats are running their cities into the ground to make their untermenschen leave and vote blue in red states.

2020-11-08 17:24:53 UTC  

If it was a bioweapon it would've been deadlier

2020-11-08 18:09:41 UTC  

aight, let's not use fucking nazi lingo, k

2020-11-08 18:18:14 UTC  

there is no logical reason to destroy one's own city.
> Democrats are running their cities into the ground to make their untermenschen leave and vote blue in red states.
this is an unfortunate but likely true statement.