Message from @CinderAllie

Discord ID: 781196700466675723

2020-11-25 14:52:51 UTC  

Here you get a fine if you don't wear it.

2020-11-25 14:53:01 UTC  

About 100€.

2020-11-25 14:53:11 UTC  

I cant war it for very long. I have respiratory issues.

2020-11-25 14:53:17 UTC  

Speaking of which, it’ll be time to put the muzzle back on in a few minutes for me 😕

2020-11-25 14:53:25 UTC  


2020-11-25 14:53:30 UTC  

Refuse my guyu

2020-11-25 14:53:51 UTC  

Laws are laws when followed. Not any other time.

2020-11-25 14:54:31 UTC  

Thats right

2020-11-25 14:55:06 UTC  

Well, I’ll be back in a few hours if I don’t pass out from sleep deprivation lol

2020-11-25 15:11:11 UTC  

Because of aerosols, if that's how they're called in English. The one thing masks protect you of is drops of water with a size above 300nm, which easily carry the virus and quickly fall to the floor (or any other surfaces) because of their "weight" And aerodynamic drag.

2020-11-25 15:11:28 UTC  

I had to study this stuff for a PE exam for fucks sake.

2020-11-25 15:13:10 UTC  

Aerosols could be considered the gases you leave, which could perfectly hold another type of saliva drop that has a size below 100nm. These have the ability of staying suspended in the air and staying there for a long ass while until a pressure difference (a light breeze or shit like that) sweeps them away.

2020-11-25 15:13:35 UTC  

So basically, masks are indeed useless. Just open your windows and don't be too close to other people.

2020-11-25 15:13:56 UTC  

Not a way to live as a human.

2020-11-25 15:14:04 UTC  

Don't give a shit.

2020-11-25 15:15:05 UTC  

If there's even a slight possibility of my father getting the virus and either dying or suffering permanent lung damage, then I'm not taking it.

2020-11-25 15:15:36 UTC  

Masks are indeed mostly useless.

2020-11-25 15:18:18 UTC  

This bs of not wanting to touch anything is stupid. That risk would only exist in the case that no one was wearing a mask, because if no one were, the before mentioned saliva drops of a size above 300nm are the ones that actually do represent a risk towards touching other stuff.

2020-11-25 15:20:02 UTC  

I also gotta mention, there's not a single known case of anyone being infected by those means.

2020-11-25 15:34:16 UTC  


2020-11-25 16:36:47 UTC  

Also, if youre gonna wear masks you should cover your eyes as well, because droplets can get into your eyes.
Also, i think in 2016 or something, Fauci wrote how masks are useless.

2020-11-25 16:48:52 UTC  

I mean I think there's general consensus on the fact it does not protect the wearer. I think people, however, believe it is more effective at protecting others but studies and behavior I think render that largely untrue. Now I hear prolonged use can cause some respiratory bacterial infections (more in those susceptible) maybe that's a 'convenient' truth but I'd agree in terms of the above where the inverse is true. That said I think if you actively have a cold/symptoms it's likely of benefit to others to wear the mask

2020-11-25 17:41:18 UTC  

Do you think the dems at this point work to spite us? If we go around saying "socialism is amazing" do you think they'll just take the opposite stance and go more capitalist?

2020-11-25 18:03:37 UTC  

Haha maybe if trump does it

2020-11-25 18:59:29 UTC  

```Covid is a joke, not that it needs to be stated again lol

When I had it, I never got tested but knew I had it since I had temporarily lost both taste and smell.```If you had flu symptoms, it was the flu. If you had no symptoms aside from the loss of taste/smell, you still didn't have the imaginary "covid". A zinc deficiency is well-known to cause a loss of taste and smell.

2020-11-25 19:01:14 UTC  

Covid-19 does not exist. All we've done... is take a bunch of pre-existing illnesses such as flu/common cold/pneumonia, and rebranded it as "covid-19". The myth of "completely asymptomatic cases" is still circulating as well.

2020-11-25 19:03:24 UTC  

If you can "catch" this "virus" and are "completely asymptomatic", then the "virus" _has not been proven_ to cause the illness. Scientific results must be 100% reproducible, and in the case of this fake pandemic, we cannot reliably reproduce the results, and therefore the hypothesis has been proven wrong.

2020-11-25 19:06:59 UTC  

Germ theory is false, despite what doctors tell us. If disease truly "spread" by "jumping" from person to person, then we would see the disease spread very slowly. Instead, what we actually see, is the "virus" allegedly appearing everywhere at the same time.

We have also observed areas that had a full lockdown failed to have _any effect_ on the supposed disease. This pretty much debunks germ theory. If a 2-week lockdown, 1-month lockdown, or even a 6-month lockdown has no effect, then we know that our theory is _wrong._ <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-11-25 19:09:46 UTC  

Instead, to know the real truth of how disease works, we look to _terrain theory._

2020-11-25 19:12:23 UTC  

@Artoo Fitting that the chart is shaped like a funnel, considering ''things that actually happened'' would've once been at the top.

Some conspiracies, such as flat earth, are created to drag down the credibility of truths that cannot be discussed. Pretty rudimentary, if you ask me..

2020-11-25 19:13:26 UTC  

Flat Earth is not a conspiracy though. It's just an old theory that was debunked by measurement and _actual space travel._

2020-11-25 19:14:17 UTC  

And basic observations, like the concept of "the horizon", how there are things you cannot see because they are hidden by the curvature of the planet.

2020-11-25 19:14:36 UTC  

@Sporkinator the conspiracy is, that we're all being lied to about the earth's shape

2020-11-25 19:15:40 UTC  

Flat Earthers actually do not exist. <:thinking:726878987837636698>
They are just trolls and peddling Flat Earth nonsense for laughs.

2020-11-25 19:15:59 UTC  


2020-11-25 19:16:23 UTC  

"The Flat Earth society has members **all around the globe.**"

2020-11-25 19:16:27 UTC  


2020-11-25 19:17:17 UTC  

I wager it was created by the Intel agencies to muddy the waters, and lump in with legit inquiry, as outlined in that graphic

2020-11-25 19:17:52 UTC  

Lol.. yep..

2020-11-25 19:20:10 UTC  

Sometimes I meet one of these Flat Earth trolls in real life, and I ask them if they can take me to the edge of the Flat Earth, so I can jump off into SPAAACE or whatever. They just give up and walk away.

2020-11-25 19:20:42 UTC  

What better way to steer someone off 911 questions, than to have some strange dude tell you ''think 911 is crazy??.. looks left..looks right. .leans in; whispers. . RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH''!!

CNN watcher for life, after that