Message from @Son Dank

Discord ID: 782144862350868490

2020-11-28 07:11:24 UTC  

Very partly true

2020-11-28 07:11:30 UTC  

Probably just increases the risk of getting sick

2020-11-28 07:11:38 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:11:51 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:12:51 UTC  

If viruses aren’t contagious, then why did my sister have the flu, give it to me, then my mom, then my dad all in the same day? This happened about a year back

2020-11-28 07:13:17 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:13:26 UTC  

There are no coincidences

2020-11-28 07:13:49 UTC  

My dad only got sick after he came in close contact with me (drove me to the hospital)

2020-11-28 07:14:02 UTC  

Stomach flu sucks

2020-11-28 07:14:15 UTC  

I have had it

2020-11-28 07:14:31 UTC  

I threw up a lot.

2020-11-28 07:14:39 UTC  

You throw up every few minutes

2020-11-28 07:15:26 UTC  

It's very hard to eat, almost impossible because you can't keep anything down at all

2020-11-28 07:15:35 UTC  

I was really dizzy and was all confused

2020-11-28 07:15:40 UTC  

You also feel like passing out

2020-11-28 07:15:50 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:16:09 UTC  

Gtg guys, ttyl

2020-11-28 07:16:57 UTC  

See ya

2020-11-28 07:17:07 UTC  


2020-11-28 07:23:09 UTC  

anyone want to join an audio podcast about any and all theories?

2020-11-28 07:24:26 UTC  

Sounds interesting

2020-11-28 07:24:44 UTC  

Is that Trudeau in a headdress?

2020-11-28 08:45:44 UTC  


2020-11-28 08:46:23 UTC  


2020-11-28 08:47:09 UTC  

of course iss trudeau

2020-11-28 08:58:45 UTC  

Meanie head

2020-11-28 10:15:01 UTC  

```If viruses aren’t contagious, then why did my sister have the flu, give it to me, then my mom, then my dad all in the same day? This happened about a year back```Again, it could be seasonal.

2020-11-28 10:15:12 UTC  

Correlation does not necessarily mean causation.

2020-11-28 10:17:24 UTC  

Scientists and doctors have observed that a virus is present in every case of a given illness, and assumed the virus caused the illness. But it's still very possible that the virus is the response to the illness... that viruses are released to clean up toxin-filled cells, just like vultures clean up dead animals.

2020-11-28 10:43:50 UTC  

what scientists and doctors, their names?

2020-11-28 14:35:42 UTC  

Covid was in the US in December even though there were no recorded cases until February. I'm pretty sure I had it in December in Seattle which is where the first reported case was

2020-11-28 16:18:29 UTC  

fairly certain viruses/bacteria can be passed from one to the next, and that they cause illness. But, the human body is a wonderful machine, we have low levels of many different contagions in our system at any given time. As long as we take care of the machine (eat healthy, exercize, etc) it is able to combat any disease

2020-11-28 16:24:36 UTC  

did anyone watch the clade x vid

So Epstien gets arrested, then murdered (likely due to being able to directly implicate hundreds, maybe thousands, of global elites and leaders). Then the FBI starts a massive child trafficking campaign that results in the rescue of thousands of children. Meanwhile the Chinese suddenly have an inexplicable outbreak of a novel virus being studied/engineered in Chinese labs.

Afterwards the US suddenly has a movement to completely cut funding to law enforcement because a drug addict dies from an overdose while being apprehended by law enforcement.

The entire world is focused on the virus, while global elites emigrate to countries with no extradition treaties with the US.

This would give both time and opportunity to find and remove evidence linking the elites and leaders to any child trafficking.

Who cares if the product (child slaves) has been rescued. They can always find more at a later date once all the leaks in the operation have been found and plugged.

Yes it is a hit financially, but so long as they escape prison, the scandal will eventually become forgotten and they will be able to resume operations as normal

In the meantime the elites have set up homes on private islands or other places, where the network would be more distributed. Making detecting the scope of the ring, and breaking it becomes much harder

The NY governor orders elderly patients with covid back into nursing homes to drive up the death count with legitimate numbers to heighten the fear and continue to draw attention away from Epstein case