Message from @Ráðúlfr

Discord ID: 786146669409468446

2020-12-09 07:02:34 UTC

2020-12-09 07:13:18 UTC

2020-12-09 07:17:46 UTC

2020-12-09 07:44:06 UTC  

Only thing that splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered into the winds was his brain 🤣 too harsh?

2020-12-09 07:45:41 UTC  

i think he should be on rushmore personally, just because of these intentions alone

2020-12-09 07:47:03 UTC  

I can agree with that

2020-12-09 07:51:58 UTC  

Nah the bullet splintered too

2020-12-09 07:56:44 UTC  

Lmao good one 😂🤣

2020-12-09 08:18:02 UTC  

My conspiracy theory atm is that it was the cia deepstate who leaked covid. I dont 'just believe' it, everything is pointing towards it.

2020-12-09 08:18:35 UTC  

for example: the timing. Just after Trumps glorious state of the union, where he could brag about his excellent economic numbers, and all he did for the poor and black community.

2020-12-09 08:19:50 UTC  

Then: Motive, Means, and Opportunity. Cia had all three. They had the motive: they wanted to get back into power. They had means: cia assets. And they had the opportunity: those assets watching over the wuhan bio lab.

2020-12-09 08:20:09 UTC  

Then: they also needed a way to CHEAT THE ELECTIONS. A global pandemic would do just fine.

2020-12-09 08:21:24 UTC  

And: they do shit like this ALL The time: they have toppled governments wiht lies and deceat SO often its not even funny anymore. The only difference is: now is the first (second, if you count jfk) time they did it on US soil.

2020-12-09 08:21:41 UTC  

Lets not forget who was leading the honey pot called 'virgin islands'. The cia.

2020-12-09 08:23:09 UTC  

According the tim castalex jones podcast, it was fauci who created it

2020-12-09 08:24:52 UTC  

Fauci is italian for little faust (no, just kidding, its sickle in italian)

2020-12-09 08:27:08 UTC  

I'm going to botch this but I think Putin said something like
He who doesnt miss the ussr doesn't have a heart, he who wants it back doesnt have a brain

2020-12-09 08:28:08 UTC  

Europeans have this joke: 'when the berlin wall fell, we thought we had won. Now we live in the eussr'

2020-12-09 08:28:18 UTC  

its funny because its true

2020-12-09 08:29:56 UTC  

That's more sad than funny, I don't know anything about European politics so I tend not to try to say anything on them

2020-12-09 15:24:02 UTC  

I have conspiracy theory, China released the virus on purpose

2020-12-09 15:56:49 UTC  

Your not the first to think that

2020-12-09 15:57:10 UTC  

I'm not saying I believe it tho

2020-12-09 16:01:43 UTC  

I believe that it was definitely the Chinese that released the virus, whether the CIA had their paws in it or not

2020-12-09 16:03:51 UTC  

I don’t know if I believe the China conspiracy either, I just know of it

2020-12-09 17:00:24 UTC  

I’m doing a research paper of our choice in my ELA class and I never realized how bad and widespread MKultra was

2020-12-09 17:02:33 UTC  

Facts i did research on thay like 6 years ago, was really widesprrad

2020-12-09 17:02:52 UTC  

I knew it was bad but from 64-73, there were 149 known sub projects dealing with mind/behavior control and drug testing/administration

2020-12-09 17:04:41 UTC  

In the 1977 congress hearing, the CIA said that there were few records kept and in 73, they destroyed some records that had more information on drug and behavioral control

2020-12-09 17:09:13 UTC  

You think that someone could request a Freedom of Information Act for the vaccine, it’s ingredients and the components of those ingredients?

2020-12-09 17:09:51 UTC  

It’s not impossible that the CIA put whatever shit they want in the Covid “vaccine”

2020-12-09 17:17:44 UTC  

I'm fairly certain you should be able to, since its not like the FOIA Legal Eagle tried using to obtain classified Government Documents

2020-12-09 17:25:19 UTC  

Well I’m sure that the vaccine should be exempt as classified because we should know what we’re putting in our bodies

2020-12-09 18:42:26 UTC  

Pokémon is real