Discord ID: 337304961455226891
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https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hRLBxi8UIX2PdXHImsyuetO5lW5ttuxsHDGjROuWeCVnnkGNrjeb5zfrTMftTISfTNet5HJJ26g0ieyKSiAksQ Shiba (black and tan), perhaps the most beautifull dog race
I think its fair to claim that BLM has caused about 30.000+ dead us citizens. How? Covid. Take a look at the dutch curve: we have been opening up for months, we only do social distancing and masks in public transport. Drop to near zero deaths. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/netherlands/
it was dropping in the usa, but then 25 may came, two weeks later (incubation time!): boom: rising and rising again.
If you then look at the number of deaths since 25may+2 weeks, you can see that had the drop from 25 may continued: it would have been almost gone end of juli. But in stead: we got a second wave of deaths. It would have flattened around 120k deaths. In stead we are at 150k+ deaths now. Thanks to the protests. Thanks to BLM, we now have 30k more dead people (slow clap)
It also (and this is the conspiracy part) is very odd to me, that both covid could be leaked by the cia-deepstate (they had means, motive, and opportunity, they spied on the chinese bioweaponlab for sure, they wanted to fuck with Trumps excellent economic numbers for sure). And: when the number of infections was dropping, RIGHT at the top: boom: race riots. Instigated and fueled, and in tandem with the same cia-deepstate and D's still in power.
Dr Stella Immanuel: https://www.bitchute.com/video/F2MbeGcO2FrT/ on bitchute
This is my religion: https://youtu.be/GPV38e7yfSo
My conspiracy theory atm is that it was the cia deepstate who leaked covid. I dont 'just believe' it, everything is pointing towards it.
for example: the timing. Just after Trumps glorious state of the union, where he could brag about his excellent economic numbers, and all he did for the poor and black community.
Then: Motive, Means, and Opportunity. Cia had all three. They had the motive: they wanted to get back into power. They had means: cia assets. And they had the opportunity: those assets watching over the wuhan bio lab.
Then: they also needed a way to CHEAT THE ELECTIONS. A global pandemic would do just fine.
And: they do shit like this ALL The time: they have toppled governments wiht lies and deceat SO often its not even funny anymore. The only difference is: now is the first (second, if you count jfk) time they did it on US soil.
Lets not forget who was leading the honey pot called 'virgin islands'. The cia.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/Anton_Kaulbach_Faust_und_Mephisto.jpg/220px-Anton_Kaulbach_Faust_und_Mephisto.jpg faust let himself be influenced by satan (aka mephisto)
Fauci is italian for little faust (no, just kidding, its sickle in italian)
Another famous sickle: https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article9536038.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/1_Grim-Reaper.jpg
Europeans have this joke: 'when the berlin wall fell, we thought we had won. Now we live in the eussr'
its funny because its true
Where do I post a meme for the meme of the week award?
I posted it in politcal memes, lol
Yes: he moving or vacay. Like: are you a man, or a woman? Yes. I am a man or a woman.
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