Message from @Orange.

Discord ID: 786837681346707466

2020-12-11 04:26:12 UTC  

Neil Druckman reportedly did the motion capture, of which I don't think he denies it

2020-12-11 04:26:49 UTC  

What’d I walk in on🤣🤣🤣

2020-12-11 04:27:26 UTC  

Diversity?? Otherwise creep factor

2020-12-11 04:28:19 UTC  

did he do the motion capture of the man or was he the very masculine female?

2020-12-11 05:01:14 UTC  

Please don't make me think about that

2020-12-11 05:02:23 UTC  


2020-12-11 05:08:25 UTC  

Hearing the CEO do such motion capture is cursed enough <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2020-12-11 05:14:10 UTC  

i heard they are just going to shoot obama bush and clinton up with b12 and adrenochrome instead of the vaccine

2020-12-11 05:19:47 UTC  

Probably just sugar water

2020-12-11 05:23:14 UTC  
2020-12-11 05:23:30 UTC  

this video on why michelle obama is a man is blocked on youtube

2020-12-11 05:36:02 UTC  


2020-12-11 05:48:44 UTC  

Guys what if birds are military drones

2020-12-11 05:50:44 UTC  
2020-12-11 06:05:27 UTC  

Can anyone explain what the “Great Reset” is? I’ve heard it thrown around referring to post Covid but I don’t even know what tf it means

2020-12-11 06:06:32 UTC  

It basically means one world power, nobody owns anything, cashless society, and pretty much China's government on a worldwide scale.

2020-12-11 06:10:30 UTC  

It's pretty much the government that exists in the book of revelations in the bible

2020-12-11 06:10:50 UTC  

Kinda cringe

2020-12-11 06:11:12 UTC  


2020-12-11 06:11:14 UTC  

So that means second coming of Christ right?

2020-12-11 06:12:01 UTC  

How are you alive?

2020-12-11 06:13:05 UTC  

I decided to beat the devil into submission so God kept me around a while longer

2020-12-11 06:13:12 UTC  

Don’t have a physical body so :/

2020-12-11 06:13:13 UTC  

God is cool

2020-12-11 06:13:21 UTC  

Yeah pretty chill guy

2020-12-11 06:13:25 UTC  

Jesus is a homie

2020-12-11 06:13:36 UTC  

tell that to a commie

2020-12-11 06:14:01 UTC  

That came out of no where

2020-12-11 06:14:34 UTC  

All commies I personally know are dead

2020-12-11 06:14:40 UTC

2020-12-11 06:14:43 UTC  

Ok but back to the great reset

2020-12-11 06:14:57 UTC  

How tf is that supposed to be achievable?

2020-12-11 06:15:01 UTC  

So a leftist is a communist right?

2020-12-11 06:15:08 UTC  

a commie is a commie

2020-12-11 06:15:12 UTC  

Not entirely

2020-12-11 06:15:20 UTC  

Idk any commies

2020-12-11 06:15:23 UTC  

You can be leftist but not commie

2020-12-11 06:15:36 UTC  

That’s why I asked

2020-12-11 06:15:50 UTC  


2020-12-11 06:16:30 UTC  

How are people supposed to give up material goods and accept a one world power?

2020-12-11 06:16:48 UTC  

Like I understand some idiots will gladly follow through but the entire world?