Message from @Marethyu122016

Discord ID: 789161132782649405

2020-12-17 01:33:56 UTC  

To quote the article, "If you’re under the age of 40, your risk of dying from COVID-19 is just 0.01%, meaning you have a 99.99% chance of surviving the infection. And you could improve that to 99.999% if you’re metabolically flexible and vitamin D replete."

Most of you reading this are under 40 but even to those who aren't maybe it decreases to 99.5% or for your parents / grandparents 95.5%, that still should not justify the risk of taking something we have little to no data on as far as vaccines go.
The historical data we do have says vaccines for viruses like this will make you more sick, not less.

**There is already have some evidence of issues**

4 participants in Pfizer trials develop Bell's Palsy -

FDA admits 2 have died in Pfizer trials possibly related to vaccine-

**This is freely admitted, no conspiracy although you'll have a hard time finding any American MSM reporting**
*A disclaimer to these articles is 6 died in the placebo group, and the occurence of Bell's Palsy was about normal to the average occurance for the population.*
*Death (2 vaccine group .01%, 4 placebo .02%) and Bell's palsy (4 vaccine group .02%, 0 placebo) during vaccine trials. Occurrence of both is at similar rates to the general population*
*Granted even if the deaths aren't attributable to the vaccine where is the benefit for those under 40 with a 99.99% survival rate?*

2020-12-17 01:34:03 UTC  

4.6% have severe reactions after first dose -
Even MSM isn't hiding it at this point -

Up to 4.6% of the participants have severe adverse reactions. This is compared to the literal 99.999% chance you survive otherwise if you have good vitamin D levels.

"They wouldn't knowingly do all this if they knew it was dangerous"
Go watch a documentary on thalidomide babies. They absolutely would do this and have in the past.

But who is "they"? CCP

Pfizer, AstraZeneca employed 123 CCP members -

2020-12-17 01:34:11 UTC  

**Regardless of all this and all the science, look at what they do, not what they say. Does this strike you as confidence in the effects of the vaccine?**

Elites not following their own rules as normal -

Astrazeneca exempt from liability claims -

Pfizer exempt from liability claims -

Donald Trump and WH staff not taking vaccine (although might be for PR) -

Pfizer CEO not taking vaccine -

To Christians: if something could be the mark of the beast, whether it actually is or not, ask yourself if that's a risk you'd take or let others take without a fuss even at 0.01% chance that it is

2020-12-17 03:13:44 UTC  

Pfft, vaccines are a snake-oil scam, and Covid-19 is not an _actual_ disease in the traditional sense. "Covid-19" is the globalist vaccination plan to depopulate the world, and such the _real_ disease _is_ the vaccine. Also, it's a political disease, like communism.

2020-12-17 04:15:01 UTC  

**Alternative stance from an advocate of the NVAX vaccine:** "NVAX's covid vaccine is the same tech as their nanoflu vaccine which has everything done except FDA approval. So techwise the covid one has gone through the same development time as any other vaccine.
Maybe that is an argument on the mRNA or canada's plant vaccine with new tech but much less of one for NVAX or the more traditional ones. Same tech as in the way the vaccine is made, delivered, and the reasons it is effective. obviously the base virus is a coronavirus though not influenza but otherwise the same thing"

For the traditional vaccines the question should come down, do you trust the trials (the comapny) nd the FDA (the government). Keep in mind NVAX has been working on this system since before the outbreak, however there are also "conspiratorial" allegations of a wider agenda that also were before the outbreak.

2020-12-17 04:21:44 UTC  

**This also might a very different conversation for those over 65 or if you have some severe secondary comorbidity**

2020-12-17 05:24:16 UTC  

Just saying the opening crawl of Johnny Mnemonic, and then it just so happens to be on hulu for us to see

2020-12-17 05:24:19 UTC

2020-12-17 05:25:04 UTC  

i just watched that on amazon prime the other day 😄

2020-12-17 07:26:04 UTC  


2020-12-17 10:50:55 UTC  


2020-12-17 12:22:56 UTC  

But remember... _we are the aliens._

2020-12-17 12:23:05 UTC  


2020-12-17 12:24:17 UTC  

Y'all talk 'bout aliens taking over the world, but that's exactly what _we_ did. We rule the planet.

2020-12-17 14:01:29 UTC  

What if we are the aliens?

2020-12-17 14:40:26 UTC  

Aliens constructed us through gene manipulation

2020-12-17 14:40:34 UTC  

So technically we are alien to this planet

2020-12-17 15:19:01 UTC  

Did you just fall God an alien?

2020-12-17 16:02:50 UTC  

😜 why do you call aliens God?

2020-12-17 16:04:35 UTC  

They destroyed the 1st and 2nd amendments. The 3rd is next. They will force us to quarter illegal aliens and covid patients.

2020-12-17 16:29:49 UTC

2020-12-17 16:55:00 UTC  
2020-12-17 16:55:16 UTC  

People gotta see this.

2020-12-17 18:34:47 UTC  

Anybody watch Tim's new video about the vaccine? He denies anything weird is going on while pointing out weird instances, comparing ALL vaccinations to COVID, and if you reject COVID, then you must reject all other vaccines... Just trust your doctors, but also, "I don't want it lmao"

2020-12-17 18:50:49 UTC  

Hmm sus

2020-12-17 19:23:12 UTC  
2020-12-17 19:23:27 UTC  

Guys today is 11.3 on the lunar calendar

2020-12-17 19:23:52 UTC

2020-12-17 19:42:49 UTC  
2020-12-17 19:45:09 UTC  

Ok @Pal3Rid3r Can you summarize this for us? Do I need to be strapped everywhere I go? Head on a swivel type shit?

2020-12-17 19:50:23 UTC  

No. Trump has everything under control. No need to fear anything. But do have supplies in your house to last for two weeks. Food. Water. Meds.

2020-12-17 19:51:14 UTC  

Read the 3 and 4 pic

2020-12-17 19:51:17 UTC  

I am already stocked up, and I have told other people in my circle.

2020-12-17 19:51:58 UTC  

I have done the same in all my circles. Spread the word to all you know.

2020-12-17 19:52:29 UTC  

I’ve even told my people who I’ve bet against.

2020-12-17 19:57:08 UTC  

I am just worried what happens to people at work or driving and it happens

2020-12-17 19:57:11 UTC  

What about the majority of people who don’t know and don’t stock?

2020-12-17 19:57:11 UTC

2020-12-17 19:57:24 UTC  

What happens to them?