Message from @Heavy Is Mama

Discord ID: 789342174155112468

2020-12-18 00:55:42 UTC  

thank you for declassifying that document

2020-12-18 03:07:35 UTC  

There's the alien

2020-12-18 03:36:49 UTC  

does anyone think the DNI sent that tweet yesterday to get some of the people targeted in the EO to not panic about tomorrow, but will still get the document to Trump on time?

2020-12-18 03:38:46 UTC  

That would be amazing, we wont know until things start moving though

2020-12-18 03:53:59 UTC  

Notice how all 45 presidents are part of a blood type that only 15% of all humans have. If you call that a coincidence, you are definitionally retarded.

2020-12-18 03:54:28 UTC  

Conspiracy theory, Trump pp is longest pp ever because he is confident so he must have big pp

2020-12-18 03:54:38 UTC  

That’s a joke

2020-12-18 03:55:20 UTC  

Trump does have a gigantic peepee

2020-12-18 03:56:21 UTC  

Lol wtf

2020-12-18 03:56:41 UTC  

Did he pull a Bill Clinton?

2020-12-18 03:56:47 UTC  

How do we know his pp length?

2020-12-18 03:56:49 UTC  

Idk lol. Perks of severe ADHD

2020-12-18 03:56:50 UTC  

There is also a disproportionate amount of left handed presidents.

2020-12-18 03:58:37 UTC  

Ah I see

2020-12-18 03:58:38 UTC  

We know the size because of the secret Russian piss tape

2020-12-18 03:58:42 UTC  


2020-12-18 03:59:40 UTC  

And because John Cena watched him record the secret Russian piss tape

2020-12-18 04:01:36 UTC  

If you look close at the secret russia piss tape you can see a third stream. It was John cena

2020-12-18 04:03:23 UTC  

Impossible you can not physically see him

2020-12-18 04:03:50 UTC  

Exactly but who was recording the video!?!

2020-12-18 04:03:59 UTC  

John cena was pissing and recording

2020-12-18 04:04:35 UTC  

Damn that explains the weird piss stream out of nowhere

2020-12-18 04:04:59 UTC  

Wtf we doing lol

2020-12-18 04:05:10 UTC  

Idk lol

2020-12-18 04:05:14 UTC  

You started it

2020-12-18 04:05:35 UTC  

Wonders of Severe ADHD

2020-12-18 04:06:36 UTC  

Wonders of a dumbass

2020-12-18 04:06:38 UTC  

Me lol

2020-12-18 04:06:44 UTC  


2020-12-18 04:07:51 UTC  

Conspiracy theory! Whoever has the HOI4 sexy Hitler mod has large PP because by constantly being stimulated by the rock hard nips they are always erect

2020-12-18 04:08:41 UTC  

Okay you might be the dumbass as well lol

2020-12-18 04:08:49 UTC  


2020-12-18 04:10:33 UTC  

Conspiracy theory. John cena isn’t invisible but always wear camo thus the reason we can’t see him

2020-12-18 04:11:56 UTC  

That is the dumbest conspiracy I ever heard of course he's invisible

2020-12-18 04:14:19 UTC  

Ok here is one. The reason why South Korea is so hard to see on google maps is because South Korea put camo on its land thus making hard google maps to see it

2020-12-18 04:15:49 UTC  

Or maybe Samsung owns all of South Korea and bought it all up and its just a big advertisement for Samsung!

2020-12-18 04:17:36 UTC  

Or what if John cena can be seen but the reason we can’t is because he’s too sexy that our eyes would melt if we seen his sexiness so out eyes cut him out

2020-12-18 04:17:57 UTC  

Yea probably

2020-12-18 04:29:51 UTC  

Lets keep this convo pg-13

2020-12-18 04:30:00 UTC  

Lol what the hell is going on in here?