Message from @Tsukoyomi

Discord ID: 793634117706842112

2020-12-29 21:01:27 UTC  

@MasterChief not a puppet, what they call a fall guy

2020-12-29 21:02:14 UTC  

@Ranger_720 a better question is, do you really doubt these theories?
especially after how much of the swamp trump exposed, how could you doubt anything anymore

2020-12-29 21:23:12 UTC  

Why all 1970?

2020-12-29 22:52:21 UTC  

What’s the evidence that points to Israel?

2020-12-29 22:52:57 UTC  

The tv film crew that was sent to film the event

2020-12-29 22:53:22 UTC  

“Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.”

2020-12-29 22:53:43 UTC  

You mean the 5 dancing Israelis?

2020-12-29 22:54:16 UTC  

At least 2 were Mossad agents?

2020-12-29 22:54:38 UTC  

I definitely think that Israel knew about the event prior to its existence, but I don’t think they did it

2020-12-29 22:56:47 UTC  
2020-12-29 22:57:28 UTC  
2020-12-29 23:34:16 UTC  

Guys, im starting to doubt Etikas situation now, forgive me if it's insensitive but

2020-12-29 23:34:30 UTC  

Things aren't lining up as theyve been presented to us

2020-12-29 23:39:43 UTC  

i cant get to any of those sites

2020-12-29 23:39:51 UTC  

just perma buffers rip

2020-12-29 23:41:17 UTC  

Probs because they don't want you to know, things always pop back up later somewhere else
Regardless, Nintendo is in the spotlight now, not for good reasons, if you have kids, rethink the games

2020-12-30 00:03:20 UTC  

You guys need to check out, Ryan Dawson. He completely dissects the documented mossad foreknowledge of the event. There was talk too, that “art students” may have also been involved in planting devices etc. Very detailed coverage of the Israeli players imo... the truck on the bridge as well, bldg 7... Larry Silverstein... but, he doesn’t get into engineering red flags as much, and he’s very anti q, fyi.

2020-12-30 00:18:38 UTC  

"Put America on the path to ensuring that 100% of firearms sold in America are smart guns. Today, we have the technology to allow only authorized users to fire a gun. For example, existing smart gun technology requires a fingerprint match before use. Biden believes we should work to eventually require that 100% of firearms sold in the U.S. are smart guns. But, right now the NRA and gun manufacturers are bullying firearms dealers who try to sell these guns. Biden will stand up against these bullying tactics and issue a call to action for gun manufacturers, dealers, and other public and private entities to take steps to accelerate our transition to smart guns."

2020-12-30 00:18:55 UTC  

Basically, no vaccine in you? Firearm won't discharge

2020-12-30 00:20:35 UTC  

Focus on opioids, crackhead

2020-12-30 00:21:36 UTC  

He is just being fed what to say, not the one in charge

2020-12-30 00:21:45 UTC  

i know

2020-12-30 00:32:15 UTC  

joe's idea of home defense is to take your shotgun, point it upwards, and fire two blasts into the sky

2020-12-30 00:47:09 UTC  

Hey if covid is really that bad, why did I ride my bike past a VR arcade today that was open?

2020-12-30 00:47:12 UTC  


2020-12-30 00:56:02 UTC  

Jeffery Epstein didn't kill him self.

2020-12-30 01:15:17 UTC  

so i'm not sure if this is really a conspiracy theory... but i think all the girls in the world are in a club and they all decided to not be my gf? anyone got evidence?

2020-12-30 01:16:59 UTC  

no his idea is to shoot the person in the legs with the shotgun because there aren't any important arteries in the legs at all that can be easily knicked or anything.

2020-12-30 01:17:30 UTC  

if covid is so bad why do we have less deaths this year than last year?

2020-12-30 01:19:55 UTC  

Remember, that's only meant to be used against unarmed people with knives.

2020-12-30 01:22:06 UTC  

lol no important arteries in the legs?

2020-12-30 01:22:33 UTC  

he didn't say that outright but he was implying it

2020-12-30 01:22:43 UTC  

with the whole "shoot them in the legs" suggestion

2020-12-30 01:23:03 UTC  


2020-12-30 01:26:04 UTC  

posted in <#719777555242287115> for ya about the quote you said i was wrong about @Meryl.140.15

2020-12-30 01:26:28 UTC  

what quote did i say you were wrong about?