Message from @PRIVILEGED N.P.C.
Discord ID: 796942871257153569
You have never brought any substance to any post I've ever seen you in what is your purpose. You add nothing to any conversation
and on other interviews he said a new admin whether mine or another
Watch his mouth movement closely
how would Trump post it if his account is temp banned from posting?
Italy got some explaining to dooooo
There’s an affidavit from Italy right?
Hopefully that gets looked into (if it hasn’t already)
me and another guy looked into it, we couldnt find anything solid that he actually did, but we did find he was arrested for hacking into a NATO base
will need more than a twitter post
So basically according to that post, the same kind of fraud was done in the presidential election in GA and in the senate race?
Makes sense
Yeah that graph is nuts
same situation as in the president race
My screen cap backs up that graph
Ossoff’s votes jumped up pretty good too in that picture
@Ender87 by reading those acts, he can act between now and the 22nd of February right?
It doesnt have to be that day just no later than the 22nd?
yep just no later than 45 days
Hopefully that works out and he doesn’t just get removed from office
Why doesn’t he do it ASAP?
waiting for all the chips to fall into place I guess
Isn't Congress trying to still impeach or inact article 25?
If they got it in the bag why organize.
I wouldn't be surprised if the left try what lin wood says here
I'm expecting an emergency broadcast cast from trump any day
Conspiracy should be based on evidence
Warnock gained 140k and Osoff 150k if my math is correct
Lin Wood is bat shit crazy.
not fully yet, he said pence was a traitor and that was true
He also saved me a ton of money on car insurance
Just because he didn't do exactly what Trump *hoped* he would do, doesn't make him a traitor.
Yea Lin is crazy or playing long game
But if true there’s hope haha
And I’d take that over demoralization after the 6th
Lin Wood and Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani didn't have a fucking thing or they would have played their hand by now.