Message from @WarHammer
Discord ID: 797047208406155294
dc under bomb threat is that the video of the national guard guys running around?
Ok all anyone here know what this hand signal video
What's up with the H60s in Colorado..
We thought conclusion was Nov whatever
Hmmmm Executive order 13848 ....
How legit is this? Interesting, if this true and with the federal hearing going in Italy against Leonardo SpA company...this could actually happen...
_45 days_
I don't know much about guns. This seem legit?
cop waving the ppl in
“Mr. I forgot how to hold my rifle”
looks like pee wee herman gun skills there
That was a pretty good rough draft, but I hope the final movie from the MSM is much more impressive.
They could use a few more special effects.
been rewatching that video trump released, and i rly cant get over that neck glitch at 2:11
ppl saying its a shadow / play of lights
but it looks so unnatural
has trump actually been spotted outside since jan 6th?
could you share it?
youtube is blocked at my school rn
skip to 2:11
the trump video makes one assume he's at the wh...when the rest of us knows he's in texas at a mil base
ya...neck glitch
i shortened it
yeah it looks abit strange