Message from @jerpeau
Discord ID: 742545772461031515
Remember when there were 2 shootings that happened in 2 different states awhile ago and there was this narrative that they both were pro-Trump, but had to drop that one guys because he had ties to antifa?
Yep, the news dropped the story so quickly! 😂
Anyways, I bring you guys something great and glorious
Discord tryna show their support for BLM again. <:Idiots:720119404020367390>
eww cringe.
You'd think they'd push blm servers to the top of the lists, but there aren't any on the "Explore Public Servers" tab
At this point it’s just expected every business has to jump on the bandwagon for either approval, money or to avoid being cancelled
Black lives: matter
Black Lives Matter: doesn’t
I said wtf to it and they banned me.
They posted this shit unironically?
You done?
We have the 'no swastika' rule in place so the server doesn't get banned by discord
Think slow and careful. Next is a kick
We have rules. Comply with them or leave. The <#719770967542333442> are here for a reason. Kindly move on
Damn. So people in antifa are unironically comparing themselves to nazi's
dudes in antifa are crushing on hitler....... jesus christ are these people fucked up
@Soulman ever heard of night of broken glass? Nazi's burned killes looted Jewish businesses and home's then said the jews did it all also spray painted jude on the businesses and home's after.antifa in Portland spray painted nazi lives here on a ladies house they came back and destroyed the home.
> Discord tryna show their support for BLM again. <:Idiots:720119404020367390>
> eww cringe.
@Mr.E_z I saw that message as well. Why would anyone support an organization that calls for the destruction of the family? Does anyone bother to read their manifesto.
Answer: no, they don't. Apparently they only read the organization name and say "Oh, of course we support black lives!" It's very telling that these companies never do their research.
The judge just released the full bodycam footage to the public
> Answer: no, they don't. Apparently they only read the organization name and say "Oh, of course we support black lives!" It's very telling that these companies never do their research.
@Son of Nerds The company I work for donated some money to BLM back in June because it's overrun by SJWs with white guilt. I don't even think the bosses are aware that they gave money to a Marxist terror group. It makes me feel legit nauseous. I want to leave (as Tim Pool often recommends) but I also feel like I need to be there to counter-balance and oppose the spreading influence.
My pipe dream: BLM is classed as a terrorist org.
I'm still waiting for antifa to officially be classified as a terrorist organization
It's gaining some traction, but they've found it's much easier just to be BLM
Now all the suburban moms are catching on to this "antifa" thing but they're too afraid of being called racist.
They get attacced by DOP
idk where else to post this
you can cringe with me too though
gee...i've known ppl born with curly hair
Wait. I have curly hair 😳