Message from @diarkia124
Discord ID: 748954728737538200
This is where I got the tweet from
Here we go again...
Under Wisconsin law kids his age are allowed to have rifles but not pistols.
They imply that they're allowed to own rifles for hunting. But don't specify when the rifle can be carried or taken out so it's open ended
So that might be why he was walking around confidently with a rifle.
Still, I'm not sure if the laws allow him to be traveling across state lines with it. That could be a problem but nothing life altering. More like a slap on the wrist i think
That dew guy also says the kid is not a cop and the stores did not ask to be guarded from protestors.
The stores also did not ask to be protested,torn down, looted, or harrased.
Your friend says the kid broke curfew
That the kid wasn't from there so he should not be allowed in that state
And that the kid had no right to defend himself from the mob that pursued him.
To that
The rioters had no right to open carry there
The rioters were breaking curfew
And the rioters should not have chased down and tried beat up a 17 year old kid.
Your friend does not want the rioters being faught back against
When they kill people It's ok.
But if anyone fights back against them It's "against the rules"
Those 3 rioters that are killed would have also ended up better if they just stayed home
Your friend says the kid was being a vigilante
This is untrue.
He was counter protesting with a group of people.
He was then attacked and ran away. Only after being hit to the ground and ganged up on and having incendiary devices throw at him did he fire his weapon in self defense.
Not into a crowd.
No vaguely
Precisely and only hitting the three assaulters that attacked him first and on video
Your friend is gas lightning you @Plague Doctor Lawrence
He wants you to think that the reason he is so angry is because an injustice had happened.
But if justice is for a boy to be beaten up for denying a mob of rioters access to tear down a business that had nothing to do the the killings and police brutality that's gone on in the world.
then no one is safe.
There comes a time where everyone needs to stand up for something... just make sure ur on the right side of history when they tell ur story in schools in the future. 😉
More towards George Washington ...not Benedict Arnold
The left: Abolish the police
Also the left: It's the police's job to shoot people, not Kyle's!
@Plague Doctor Lawrence dont stop pissing off those libtards
I’m not trying to make him upset, I’m just trying to guide him out of his ignorance because I care for him and want to help him see the truth.
Then you can't go at this defending the right to defend one's self. He is adamantly against that.
Instead discuss cases where innocent non-involved families and store owners __did not defend themselves__
Show him what happens when he gets what he's asking for.
Point out how it's only small and local news companies willing to share what's happening to the average people that in a lot of cases don't even know why the riots are still going on.
The rioters don't care who they loot or destroy
They just want easy targets. They want to beat up the weak and say that it's for Jorge Floyd.
They want to curb stomp kids and say they had a right to because the kid's existence was a threat to them.
They want to burn down stores cause "black lives wouldn't be able to profit enough from them" therefore the store is evil to them.
It's crazy.
David Dorn's life matters 👌
If every rioter gave a black owned business one dollar every two weeks from their pay checks or stimulus checks or whatever
How much more could they be doing for black lives?
Instead theyre getting themselves pinned with federal charges and throw in jail.
Can criminals vote from inside a jail cell?
Theyre destroying themselves and the "black lives" theyre trying to lift up
@mathgrant and that 5 year old boy too. Poor kid got shot in the head while riding his bike outside his house by a nut job
@Gigabite Cannon ain't black <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>
doesn't have to be for his life to matter
I dont know why that's so controversial these days
A literal toddler being shot
Allegedly in the head
Lol I just noticed
Thw tiny Biden face😂
@Plague Doctor Lawrence
You gotta show him what the world looks like when he gets what he's asking for.
Because for some unfortunate people their towns and cities have already been ransacked and taken over by the riotors and extremist and they don't have the money to leave
BLM members doing BLM things, so enlightening😕