Message from @Atari

Discord ID: 763463720125857835

2020-10-07 01:17:07 UTC  

Jeopardy: *I'll take "democrat run cities" for $100 please Alex*

2020-10-07 07:41:04 UTC  

wow 😒

2020-10-07 07:41:20 UTC  

when u thought life couldnt get any more ridiculous

2020-10-07 09:04:09 UTC  

It's like they said... They will stop at nothing. They will just keep going and going and going

2020-10-07 09:38:13 UTC  

ah, coming around full circle. I mean, they must have some strong connections to be able to go outside and go online and the news when a part of this "violent white-supremacist system", they must be scared for their life to speak out about it

2020-10-07 09:39:20 UTC  

these people are so lost

2020-10-07 12:46:47 UTC  

The KKK is just as bad, or not even worse than the BLM or ANTIFA.
Does it also explain that the KKK is a democrat organization solely for the purpose of spreading hate and intimidation by the democratic party?
Does it also state that since the start of the Klan the democrats, especially the CDC, never acknowledge, nor refute, nor distance, not disavow, or try to disband the Klan?
This party of love, unity, and diversity has a lot to do other than attack law enforcement.
The KKK is the democratic party, conversely the democraic party is the KKK. If the KKK wasn't useful to the democrats they would've disbanded them over a century ago.
The democrats see them as useful.
If she wants to do something about the KKK she should get out of the democrats, or get rid of the KKK, or both.
This also goes for the phoney progressives and "liberal" Pelosi, Schumer, Waters, and all the rest of the democrats, including the CBC!
Then the KKK must in someway be useful to the democrats.
This includes the Old Bat Crazy Nasty Pelosi.

2020-10-07 14:15:34 UTC  

all those liberal extremes are useful to the democrats because they only way they seem to be able to secure votes is one of three ways:

2020-10-07 14:15:40 UTC  

1. ignorance

2020-10-07 14:15:42 UTC  

2. fear

2020-10-07 14:16:07 UTC  

3. being a part of the system to perpetuate one or both of the above

2020-10-07 16:55:16 UTC  

fucking passive aggressive stupid fucks

2020-10-07 16:55:24 UTC  

i'm tired of these stupid fucks shit

2020-10-07 16:55:29 UTC  

gets on my nerves

2020-10-07 18:11:54 UTC  

@Atari seeing them practically get away with that shit infuriated me

2020-10-07 18:12:05 UTC  

the cops were pussies man

2020-10-07 18:12:15 UTC  

and then they think they're cool and stuff

2020-10-07 18:12:21 UTC  

while they preach about socialism

2020-10-07 18:13:28 UTC  

annoying shit

2020-10-07 22:01:11 UTC  

There will be riots in wisconsin tonight

2020-10-07 22:01:18 UTC  
2020-10-08 02:44:22 UTC  
2020-10-08 02:49:57 UTC  

I have the perfect tool

2020-10-08 03:00:38 UTC  

well when u vote dems, u get the perks of being dem supporters

2020-10-08 04:38:05 UTC  

Kamala Harris the "big time Los Angeles prosecutor" forgot something about law if you lie or distort the truth nothing you say can be accepted as truth.
It was proven by the release of police body camras that as George Floyd was returning to his vehicle he kept saying he didn't want to go back to prison.
In his mouth you can see a bag which was most likely the fentanyl that caused him not to be able to breath. Floyd couldn't keep yelling: "I can't breath" if of he was being strangled.
The autopsy eventually proved Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose, not strangulation.
This was what Harris was referencing. She wasn't offering a change in law, she was trying to appeal to the radical socialist left.
The cops were way over their heads with improper procedures, but they didn't kill Floyd.
Floyd died trying to hide evidence that would have sent him back to prison.

2020-10-08 05:44:48 UTC  


2020-10-08 05:48:13 UTC  

could be gum too

2020-10-08 05:54:54 UTC  

Later on, wasn't there a bag with white stuff in it on the ground next to them?

2020-10-08 05:55:37 UTC  

It does look like gum though

2020-10-08 05:55:42 UTC  

he seemed to have a few things on him

2020-10-08 05:56:59 UTC  

Good thing we trust the "science" (tox report).

2020-10-08 06:01:31 UTC  

how to kill the floyd narrative - tell ppl he was a republican and all the cops were marxist democrats