Out of Control
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Four memes in one!
I'm getting kicked. I know I am.
I keep the mematic in to serve them for their help.
In "Biden Gaffs 2" did you see Crazy Pelosis' eyebrows? Clowns have painted on eyebrows better than this. To bad you pissed off your beauty salon.
Can you imagine a conversation between Biden and Crazy Pelosi?
It could be both. We know Nadler has a problem.
Imagine what Crazy Nasty Pelosi would love ok like of she didn't dye her hair? Wait, there's an app.
Speaker of the House, more like Speaker is a Souse.
@KyrosTheWarrior Just ask Vic Marrow.
@Get Phunky Those are inlets to provide air to the fuselage.
Speaker of the House, more like Speaker is a Souse.
She's eighty years old, what a Drunken Narcissistic Old Bat 🦇
It's my Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes name.
Snow White?
If Nasty didn't dye her hair she'd be Snow White. This was why she spent $120,00 of taxpayer's funds, it's a felony, to get an emergency dye job.
What's a pfp?
Mine is a picture of a basket of oranges marked apples $1. You know, . . . ?
Did Snow White have anemia?
At that size it's really not a great picture for a cell phone.
Old pfp? I've only been on this page for an hour.
Do you drink?
Then you do drink. Where are you Alaska?
Again: Mine is a picture of a basket of oranges marked apples $1. You know, apples and oranges.
What are these?
Nevermind, this isn't working.
@Lucario My mother was a supervisor at the DMV.
Anybody watching the debate? It should be fun. I think it should be on Comedy Central.
Most people, like me, are going to tune in just to see how lost Biden gets.
Under the pressure will he lose it? Have a stroke? Gaff a million times? Or get so lost he'll have to be led off the stage.
All Trump has to do is behaive and let Biden bury himself. Better, ask Biden about Bidens' accomplishments.
Biden proved in his last town hall he'll screw it up.
Lamb is having a Biden moment.
What's a "shot show?"
I'll be back I have to clean up cat vomit.
This won't be cancelled. I assure you.
No way is this country going to have a president Harris.
Same with Biden.
I live in New York. Cuomo has destroyed this state. It's like a content between democrat governors. Newsom is in the lead but Cuomo is real close with over 11,000 murdered.
@Rocci Hillary the Swamp Queen lives here in New York, not Alaska.
@Rocci Epstein did not kill himself. It's just a coincidence that the guards didn't properly do their rounds, all the security cameras were off, and he had evidence on the Clintons.
Right now Avenantti is getting gang raped by men.
James Watt, who helped design and develope the steam engine?
ACB should have nothing to worry about
René Descartes?
I think therefore I am?
@Failco ?
Look familiar?
Look familiar?
Biden's new campaign song:
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me! Creature of the Night, Rocky Horror
The refrigerator guard tower, Buddy.
I guess if Cuomo and Crazy Pelosi can do it so can Feinstein.
Biden's new campaign song:
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me! Creature of the Night, Rocky Horror
The USS Coral Sea CV 43, my first ship.
@BobiusPrime During flight ops most of the planes were below decks in the hanger bays. The planes you see here were probably topside for the photo op. They kept them in the hanger bay for two reasons, the protect them from salty sea spray; which is corrosive, and to keep a ready flight deck.
There's a lot of planning on how to do this.
@BobiusPrime Yepper-doodles. We went through a very bad storm in the Mediterranean and the planes andBobiusPrime#4818 equipment were all safely stored inside with all the hangerbay doors shut.
Unfortunately I was on forward look out for eight hours because most of the ship's crew were vomiting.
I got three hours sleep, some dry clothes and stood watch for another eight hours.
Most of the crew were falling out of their racks.
I was one of the few eating on the mess decks.
Those were eight hour weather decks watches. The rest of the watches were inside. I was twelve on four off for two days.
@Mauler I was in the army guard six years before that.
The 25 mile forced March over night I did with my 25 pound pack, another soldiers' pack, and him on my side so he could finish basic. I had worked out before basic. The colonel saw me and asked what I was going to be doing after basic. I told him a medic in the reserves.
He told me to look him up, he wanted me active in his people.
@Mauler It was right before the fourth of July weekend 1981. They gave everyone the weekend off. I was in the hospital with a 104° fever.
@BobiusPrime Keep this in mind. It's only you that knows your limits, and you can always do more than that.
I'm 66. In 1984 I attempted to do ocs. I had bad allergies and had to quit. I was doing things the other candidates were jealous of.
Nobody wanted to do a hand over hand down a high wire. I did and really pissed off a bunch of primadonnas.
@Cheesebuger2143 I was on the service 1980-94. O got my allergies under control from the VA on '94 when I nearly died from pneumonia.
It was all my pleasure. @Cheesebuger2143 plus the pay.
Remember, people like me go off to war and a few never make it back. We don't do it because we are made to. We have to, and we want to. That's America.
Look for season 19 Episode 13 on Judge Judy. Second part. I became a fat f***.
I was in LA to tape Judge Judy. While I was out one night to grab dinner I saw a woman on a cell phone walk into a pole.
There was another dude nearby who also saw it.
Cong! Yelp!
We couldn't stop laughing.
She went around the corner and then came back with blood on her forehead.
We offered to help her but she was a bitch.
I'm here for the debate! I guess the drinking game goes like this: Biden, a sip of beer for a minor gaff, a whole beer for an out and out lie, a shot of hard liquor if Biden falls asleep or somehow falls down. Blow the drink out your nose and laugh historically if Biden dies.
I have nothing clean to add for a cutaway to Kamaltoe Harris, but since she's actually from Jamaicans blow some weed. Remember it was Ginsburg that made a big deal over the 14th amendment giving Kamaltoe Harris citizenship.
If it follows my ideas, with alcohol, by the time they put Biden back in the home, the audience would be unconscious.
I'm sure Trumps' handers have told him not to do the things he did with Hillary the Swamp Queen, but Trump won't let that stop him when Biden loses it.
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty The stomach aches will be from laughing.
The democrats are wearing precautionary diapers.
I bet the first question will be from Trump: "Joe, what is your name Joe?"
And then Trump will look at his watch.
At this time guilds will be shooting out of people's noses.
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty What're they going to do to Trump?
The hard core democrats will turn off the TV in disapare, the moderates will cry, the rest will vote democrat.
And it's six o'clock time for the penguin on your television to explode. (Monty Python.)
There is no turning back. Right now Bidens'people are going over questions: Joe, " What . . . your name? What . . . is your quest? What is you favorite color?"
"The one question, the last question, the question of the life, the universe, and everything:_ after this, where are they going to bury Joe? This will kill Joe.
"The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy." And Monty Pythons the Holy Grail quotes.
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