Message from @chaz

Discord ID: 774057901835681833

2020-11-05 17:18:54 UTC  

you mean shot?

2020-11-05 18:26:52 UTC  


2020-11-05 18:42:49 UTC  

that video makes me bile

2020-11-05 19:03:38 UTC

2020-11-05 22:22:06 UTC  

Can someone send me a a good video on why defunding the police is a bad idea

2020-11-05 22:23:10 UTC  

There are plenty of reasons, one being that they protect our communities and I'd say are necessary. The reason why us republicans dont want that is because they want to take our guns too, so no fighting back.

2020-11-05 22:23:45 UTC  

and they are not inheritly racist, like many of the talking heads would love to make you believe.

2020-11-05 22:58:57 UTC  

@Purple guy 🎤🎶 can you give me a good video why defunding would be a good idea?

2020-11-05 22:59:51 UTC  

Im saying it's a bad idea and I need to hear someone give more information on it

2020-11-05 23:00:29 UTC  

Oh ok

2020-11-05 23:02:00 UTC  

Well it really comes down to a logical conclusion. Whether a video do it or not, doesn't really matter. You can make the same conclusions based on the fact that as seen in places like Portland, Cleveland, Minneapolis, and many others.

2020-11-05 23:04:06 UTC  


2020-11-05 23:04:18 UTC  

Crime has increased in those areas dramatically because certain abilities given to officers with that said money has been taken away and has to be distributed and stretched differently and much thinner than before ending up in less capabilities for the officers money wise.

2020-11-05 23:06:48 UTC  

Oh I see, thank you for the information

2020-11-05 23:09:10 UTC  

I think you can find the information and exact percentages on the web.

2020-11-05 23:09:24 UTC  

News networks, whatever works for you

2020-11-05 23:21:25 UTC  

defund no, but agument them so that they are not dealing with senarios they are not trained to deal with.

2020-11-05 23:21:33 UTC  

and demiliterize

2020-11-05 23:49:01 UTC  

argument them?

2020-11-05 23:49:45 UTC  

if you want?

2020-11-05 23:50:41 UTC  

I don't understand what you mean

2020-11-05 23:52:17 UTC  


2020-11-05 23:53:18 UTC  

Oh okay

2020-11-05 23:56:12 UTC  

Yeah, to an extent that could help, but in the end, the situations where an officer does something out of hand it isn't directly because of protocol or them following their orders. So it's not something systemic wrong with that, mainly just one with malleable human beings. In the end, there's always going to be another incident where an individual officer does something wrong, even if there is more funding, better training, more rules etc.

2020-11-05 23:56:50 UTC  

true, but we can adress things that are rascist in our culture, but my argument is above

2020-11-05 23:57:19 UTC  

As for demilitarizing them, how so?

2020-11-05 23:58:54 UTC  

mutliple studies have found police with heavier weaponry leads to more agressive actions. so like a hand gun and a shotgun/rifle in the car is ok dokey, but mine resistant vechiles and military surplus is a bit extra

2020-11-05 23:59:34 UTC  

Studies by whom?

2020-11-05 23:59:50 UTC  

Where do you propose we send military surplus? I'm all for giving it to surplus stores to distribute LEGALLY.

2020-11-06 00:01:37 UTC  

Chaz, in a country where people can make guns out of metal pipes, and where you can legally buy a rifle, why shouldn't they have those vehicles that protect them? Or have more firepower if a fight begins between someone who has quite bit more fire power?

2020-11-06 00:02:12 UTC  

Or create bombs from household items...

2020-11-06 00:03:14 UTC  

Maybe the funding in these places could be distributed differently and more conservatively, but the police need just as much if not more force than the people they are being called to.

2020-11-06 00:04:57 UTC  

because, they can call in other forces that have heavier armorment, but that policeman by the corner store don't need body armor and a assult rifle

2020-11-06 00:41:09 UTC  

@chaz the average officer isnt issued an MRAP as his service vehicle, those are reserved for more special forces in the Police itself like Swat or whatever the states police is like the Rangers in Texas

2020-11-06 00:42:14 UTC  

and stuff like the M32 Rotary Grenade Launchers are also not used in the average officers arsenal, except in high escalation moments where they need to quickly send a flashbang/smoke/teargas towards a violent crowd

2020-11-06 00:43:26 UTC  

they only pull these things out when the crowds escalate their tactics or are in a situation like a terror situation

2020-11-06 00:45:37 UTC  

matter of fact, the MRAP's and M32's they get are rather old surplus from the Miltiary, or are faulty and require alot of maintenance to work right

2020-11-06 01:13:47 UTC  

@Zilla first off very well put

2020-11-06 01:15:03 UTC  

m32s are valid