Message from @Dank_Furry_Pirate

Discord ID: 782698323307266068

2020-11-29 06:19:09 UTC  

BLM has killed more people then people killed by police brutality

2020-11-29 06:22:31 UTC  

Also, most of it isn't unjustified. Most people killed by cops are killed because they either resisted or straight up fought back, so that narrows that down even more

2020-11-29 06:23:53 UTC  


2020-11-29 14:54:33 UTC  

Cops have killed over 5k people in the last 20 years. BLM has killed 5k businesses and buildings in the last 5 years. BLM is allowed to do so. Because what do the cops do when BLM riots? That's right! Arrest you for defending your person and property. Neither Cops nor BLM should be supported in this endeavor. The cops picked their side back with the mccloskeys.

2020-11-29 14:56:39 UTC  

before that even

2020-11-29 16:27:56 UTC  

I honestly cant believe cops are still willing to be cops at this point. They are painting s false picture of cops recklessly killing people when in fact, 99% are killed because they resisted or attacked back. And the protesters killed more unarmed people than police did.

2020-11-29 16:29:16 UTC  

Businesses and people aren't comparable but both shouldn't be broken. It isnt sending a message, let alone proving blm

2020-11-29 16:52:13 UTC  

BLM chooses to cause destruction. The cops can't really do anything that won't get them arrested, fined or fired.

2020-11-29 16:52:39 UTC  

It seems like both sides see them and the military as tools and not people with families to support and lives to lose

2020-11-29 16:53:09 UTC  

At this point, we might as well abolish the police with how powerless they are to uphold the law

2020-11-29 17:14:24 UTC  

yeah police aren't really doing anything with the riots

2020-11-29 17:15:01 UTC  

they did abolish police, it's called chaz.

2020-11-29 18:11:01 UTC  

It's just racism with extra steps.

2020-11-29 18:24:03 UTC  

don't get me started on the idiots over cancel culture

2020-11-29 18:24:23 UTC  

and 'culture appropriation'

2020-11-29 18:26:31 UTC  

then u get the antifa ....who's against everything fascist ...which basically means nationalism and culture identity...

2020-11-29 18:28:12 UTC  

so if they're against culture identity, then they're cancel culture, but if they think some ppl should stick to their own cultures, then they're fascist

2020-11-29 19:06:22 UTC  

So, get rid of private property and it becomes "community" property. And who controls that? The government. And how does the government control it? Military and police. And who doesn't like the police? The same people who want to get rid of private property. It's circular logic.

2020-11-29 19:30:40 UTC  

Thinking is not a strong suit of these people.

2020-11-29 20:03:42 UTC  

i guess they don't understand that no private property means those that control who gets what and who is what that gets abused by who

2020-11-29 20:21:48 UTC
Anyone seen this yet?

2020-11-29 20:22:36 UTC  

I saw it

2020-11-29 20:23:01 UTC  

The ratio gave me a little hope for humanity

2020-11-29 20:23:17 UTC  

But there's still the fact 9000 people actually liked it

2020-11-29 20:23:19 UTC  

It started off slow but the second half was so racist

2020-11-29 20:24:09 UTC  

One dude's shirt even said 'Defund. Disrupt. Dismantle.'

2020-11-29 20:24:17 UTC  

Like c'mon dude lol

2020-11-29 20:25:24 UTC  

It’s sad man I have a lot of Democrats on Facebook and they only look at the surface level of politics and follow trends. They can’t be bothered with the realities of their party. I posted it tho fuck it lol

2020-11-29 21:07:00 UTC  

My cousin got homework to write about blm and antifa and he's in 8th grade... disgusting

2020-11-29 21:21:36 UTC  

@seb0529 make sure to include how they are trying to destroy our country. They are paid operatives to overthrow our election. Also include the coincidence of governors calling in the national guard on November 4, the day after election, even though trump has been trying to assist all summer long. BLM/ANTIFA are controlled by a communist movement. The insurrection act is the only defense that is going to stop them now. Get ready for the show

2020-11-29 21:23:41 UTC  

oh yes...tell them about how antifa and blm are fighting to overthrow the democracy that has been abusing and oppressing everybody

2020-11-29 21:24:50 UTC  

and when they finally wake up to realize they're living in a constitutional republic, not a democracy...just dems posing as dictators to oppress them all when ppl forget they were in a constitutional republic

2020-11-29 22:04:32 UTC  

@seb0529 I'm lucky canada hasn't fallen that far

2020-11-29 22:05:48 UTC  


2020-11-29 22:06:14 UTC  

fak, forgot to add @seb0529

2020-11-29 22:13:21 UTC  

Dude he will get zero by his teacher if he will write that... The teacher might even fail him if write all that stuff

2020-11-29 22:13:50 UTC  

Here if you will not agree with teachers, you'll fail the course

2020-11-29 22:14:56 UTC  

yeah, in Canada it's just you get a warning or your parents get told fake news

2020-11-29 22:15:59 UTC  

Lol he will get suspended from the school if he'll write that