Message from @Deplorable Me

Discord ID: 731400000222789663

2020-07-11 03:59:55 UTC  


2020-07-11 04:01:29 UTC  


2020-07-11 04:10:08 UTC  

That happens a lot to me... Non of our political talks end with either of us coming to an understanding or even figuring out who won the argument, it usually just ends with him saying “let’s agree to disagree” or him just flat out changing to topic of the conversation out of no where.

2020-07-11 04:11:31 UTC  


2020-07-11 04:19:40 UTC  

"Let's just agree to disagree" is a phrase I love and hate at the same time. Love it when I can't get through to someone and they are being stubborn while I'm getting aggravated. Hate it because I can't get through to someone.

2020-07-11 04:20:37 UTC  

I have a lot of love-hate with things...

2020-07-11 04:44:46 UTC  

I try very hard to change minds on Twitter. However, I'm not always patient and sometimes resort to being an asshole. I get so frustrated by these ignorant people on Twitter. I get so pissed when people throw around words like racist, fascist, and all the other "ists" about Donald Trump. The Latino and Hispanic sheep hate Trump even more when he helps their communities, like the usmca and the recent executive order.. completely ignoring the good things that are benefiting them, and instead of being grateful, they call Mr Goya a traitor, not Hispanic, threaten to boycott.. Divisive Liberals train these minority communities into thinking that the left is where they belong, and nobody should dare think for themselves. Honestly, it's very depressing seeing this country become what it's becoming.

2020-07-11 04:45:46 UTC  

you isisisist

2020-07-11 04:55:34 UTC  

> "Let's just agree to disagree" is a phrase I love and hate at the same time. Love it when I can't get through to someone and they are being stubborn while I'm getting aggravated. Hate it because I can't get through to someone.
@Deleted User That just might be what happens to me again 😩 I'm already over-thinking about sending the video or not, because that's exactly what I don't want to happen

2020-07-11 05:02:31 UTC  

Also her family is from the middle east soooooooooooooooo, f u c c. I don't know how she'll react

2020-07-11 05:04:04 UTC  

~~you mean she might randomly explode?~~

2020-07-11 05:14:39 UTC  


2020-07-11 05:15:18 UTC  

Explode with: "T H A T ' S A L I E Y O U K N O W".

2020-07-11 05:15:53 UTC  

And I'm planning for my comeback to be: "well it's on BLM's website so-"

2020-07-11 06:14:52 UTC  

@CryptoDave Your first mistake is not realizing those people are not liberals. Liberals pretty much no longer exist. Former liberals like myself are either conservative now or have taken the marxist pill and jumped off the far left cliff. These people cannot be reasoned with because they don't want to be reasonable. They want to tear down this country and replace it with communism and illegals.

2020-07-11 06:15:04 UTC  

They're communists, full stop.

2020-07-11 06:17:52 UTC  

Right, well regardless of the term. I agree with you, they can't be reasoned with. They are brainwashed. I do think a few people can wake up. I considered myself a Democrat at one point. Luckily, a conservative friend showed me that I wasn't thinking for myself. I started to see all of the things he pointed out to me about fake news. This was before Trump ran for president. Thank God I was red pilled!

2020-07-11 06:18:41 UTC  

I can't imagine my life if it hadn't been for that friend of mine. I would possibly be a crybaby Trump hating Democrat.

2020-07-11 06:41:57 UTC  

Glad to see your eyes were opened. You def should do something special for that friend of yours.

2020-07-11 06:42:28 UTC  

I was red pilled by korean entertainment (made me realize I was more conservative than I thought) but mostly by Crowder.

2020-07-11 06:42:44 UTC  

and I was a democrat from 1992 (first year I could vote) through 2015

2020-07-11 06:43:40 UTC  

I use twitter sparingly, too many black pills there. However, sometimes I get a good buzz and can't resist rattling the cages of those degenerates

2020-07-11 09:22:40 UTC  

@Deplorable Me Your views probably stayed the same, while those around you shifted. (Graph based on data from the Pew Research center....same questions asked to the public in 1994 and 2017).

2020-07-11 15:06:32 UTC  


2020-07-11 15:06:39 UTC  

But yeah, good to hear!

2020-07-11 15:11:34 UTC  

honestly if you want a good laugh just watch cnn its funny to see what bs they trying to pass of as BREAKING NEWS JUST IN WE ARE ON THE SENE 100% real yes agree or be termanated

2020-07-11 15:26:54 UTC  

My friend is a self proclaimed mid-left leaning libertarian and based on a lot of opinions and some of his values he shared he has a lot in common with conservatives, Republicans, and Donald Trump, but he hates them because of all the lies about them he full heartily believes.

2020-07-11 15:27:41 UTC  

The left lies way more than the right does lmao

2020-07-11 15:31:02 UTC  
2020-07-11 15:31:17 UTC  

He used to think Rational Wiki was actually serious... I think it was the only argument I somewhat won with him convincing him that it started off as a satire site to be a “Liberal counterpart to Conservipedia” but then it was later over run with SJWs who took things seriously and began editing the website.

2020-07-11 15:32:29 UTC  

(Despite being left leaning he hate SJW’s.)

2020-07-11 15:33:27 UTC  

That means hes a moderate left and not one of the crazies

2020-07-11 15:36:00 UTC  

But he also believed the BLM rioters were white supremacists highjacking the movement... So... But I was quick to debunk that.

2020-07-11 15:36:49 UTC  

Tbh blm isn’t about race it’s about transforming the country to a communist state, and destroying family values

2020-07-11 15:59:35 UTC  

noo youtube terminated rucka rucka ali so now i can't listen to "old town grope"

2020-07-11 17:31:14 UTC  

Tbh, it boggles my mind how someone could be a socialist/communist and claim to be a "libertarian". Those two things do not make sense at all together, socialism is inherently flawed it is human nature to be greedy, and socialism therefore requires an authoritarian state regime to force the ideology on people. Doesn't make sense.

2020-07-11 17:36:29 UTC  

At least he’s against abolishing the police and supports the second amendment, but he really needs to look into things a bit more.

2020-07-11 21:54:37 UTC  

@AWOIII There’s no such thing as libertarian leftism.

2020-07-11 22:06:09 UTC  

unless they don't have a right hand