Message from @FigurƎitout
Discord ID: 737116222201659392
I let my 3 Year old sis watch it no wonder she has been saying those things xD
watched pewdiepie play south parks fractured butt whole, that was a fun game to watch
Yeah haha
Everyone see the New Ghost Busters Trailer?
I saw trailers before the virus hit, nothing newer.
I'm actually looking forward to the movie.
Yes, they dropped the WOKE bs and went back to the core
I'm hoping they can salvage the franchise.
Yes. i agree
Now, if we could just delete the past decade or so of Terminator...LOL
@DishonoredRonin You had me at “delete the past decade” 😂
Why is there 2 General Chat
In case one gets a bit crazy
I see 🤔
1 does get crazy sometimes
I see that got no clue what there on bout something about Marriage
You here?
I think he is in the toilet in the mod lounge
too much Goya food
Gen1 turned into a dumpster fire... again
Yes unfortunately
But the jewish stuff is unsettling
He’ll get hammered. Hes been like that since joining yesterday. Matter of time
There have been people swearing in there for hours and it got once once one started.
Ok I think it’s time for the mods to step in they are now being racist
Small amounts of swearing I can stand. Testing the levels of indecency allowed, I cannot
They are being childish. I understand a joke but it seems like they are just spamming.
Meh. Drop the mod grenade. Thatll settle them down
It is just chaos rn, don’t worry. Mods are going to help watch
Yeah I said it was getting out of control.
Guys don’t swear my mom reads this
Its not the swearing it just seems to be very odd
General chat is gold right now
I dont like it
I am scared
I'm gonna go get some more popcorn
Ill come back when the kids are asleep
Its the summer