Discord ID: 410315838122360832
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!p God's country
All these companies are saying that because its "politically correct"
General chat is gold right now
I'm gonna go get some more popcorn
Its the summer
Kids don't sleep during the summer lmao
Some people are just immature I guess
When a 14 year old is more mature than some adults
10 years older than me lmao
You are still older than me
Pandemic? Lol only thing that happened to me was school got shut down, I could still answer fire calls
I mean I was supposed to go to the fire academy to take some classes but that didn't happen, then June and July got canceled, now I have classes from August to November
People have said that I sound like I'm 16 or 17
Vehicle accident
Gotta dip
@LiftedCandy91 You have a link to that test?
Oh ok
I love how i watched the whole video already before I even got the ping
**OSHA wants to know their location**
Aw my pic got deleted
Junior ff
Basically a firefighter under 18 who can't do much other than throw ladders and look pretty lmao
I'd rather beat up my governor
"No Thanksgiving celebrations" and "virtual Thanksgiving celebrations"
Im still stuck with Comrade Wolf for a governor
I love how the quarantine started with 2 weeks, then it was a month, then 2 months, then 3
And people think a second shut down will slow the virus enough when the first didn't
I swear all my liberal friends who say we should shut down more are the ones going out with friends late at night and not wearing a mask properly
And then they wanna go back to the store and return some of them cause they don't have money
I blame the media
The media has gotten everyone so worked up and scared over this virus
I don't get my news from any big media company anymore cause they are all run by liberals, hell even Fox News is run by liberals, the guy who used to run fox news had passed operations down to his sons and they are big liberals
I'm honestly worried about another shut down because the fire department im at irl is all volunteer and we don't get much funding at all, same with most other volunteer departments in my area, another shut down would mean we wouldn't be able to do one of our biggest yearly fundraisers
The last shut down killed everyone's fundraisers here
If Biden shuts down the country and the economy tanks I'm telling you there will be civil unrest, and it'll be people looting stores to simply survive and live, people tell me the riots we've been having are bad, I just tell em to wait for the next shut down
I swear all the people I know who preach socialism and say that white privilege is a thing are the ones who are privileged and live on the "good side of town" as we call it
I swear the people I know who preach socialism don't know anything about socialism and they don't like capitalism cause they don't know what it means to work hard
Meanwhile I'm over here in high school cuttin grass and stuff to make a bit of money to buy things I want
And they say I'm privileged because I got the new madden game or something
I can easily list the things my parents buy me, food, clothes, a bed, and anything else that is actually essential and that I need to simply live
Hell half the games I have for my ps4, which I also bought, I bought on my own
The other half were Christmas presents lmao
I'm guessing that's a state law where you are at
I honestly don't plan to get a job to actually make some money until either next summer or until all this covid crap is over
I don't really mind having to wear a mask, I just kinda accept it with the fact that I have to wear my bye bye covid mask on fire calls and I have to wear it to do really anything else
Honestly another reason I don't wanna get a job right now during all this covid is that with me doing football and baseball and being in the department I already get enough exposure to covid and I don't really want my family to end up getting it or people I know to get it
Oh yeah and anyone catch the fact that Biden said he'll give like half the vaccines to foreign nations, like maybe you should care about the people of your own country first, and people still say Biden will take care of the virus
And honestly, even if the legal stuff goes through and Trump is president for another 4 years and the vaccine comes out while he's president, I ain't gonna be one of the first people to get that vaccine
Yeah I've been working on my shooting recently, now I can hit a target the size of a pig at 400 yards 17 times in a row with an ar-15, so yeah come and get the guns
Ha, I got a couple airsoft guns and 2 bb guns, ill just scare them away with those
They don't have guns thats the thing and if they do they are some crappy cheap glocks that they swing around like they are in a rap video
These white girls at my school are walking around like they are from the ghetto and they are all special and yet they are the ones preaching socialism and saying that me and all my friends who live in the ghetto are privileged, how ironic
Seriously these people who say that socialism is the best thing since sliced bread and that white privilege is a thing don't know what living a hard life is like
Alright later
So I just saw a video and this high school team beat another team in the championship game 67 - 0... how is that even possible in high school football 😂
Go to the right store and you can get like 100 rounds of 5.56 for like 10 dollars
Red rider?
Best thing **before** sliced bread
I wish my dad had bought an m1911 but he couldn't find a store that was selling them at a good price
He got some 40 caliber glock, don't remember what exact model it is
There is still some shady stuff going down in pa
Wait I forgot there's a meme chat lmao
Merry Christmas
Wait are we not allowed to post GIFs in general
I was just posting that GIF to say Merry Christmas...
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