Message from @N1br0c

Discord ID: 738605667631235143

2020-07-31 02:43:58 UTC  

Betcha theyd stand for China 🤔

2020-07-31 03:28:45 UTC  

Heh, i like what google id askin what i meant

2020-07-31 03:29:39 UTC  

“I am become death”

2020-07-31 03:36:09 UTC  

For a second I thought the “Years active” said “born” because it was in the corner of my eye and I was like “Crowder was born in 1999... something isn’t right here” and then I figured out I was just dumb, lol

2020-07-31 03:37:32 UTC  


If a white person assaults a bunch of white BLM activists. (I'll even go as far as to say peaceful) Would it be considered a "hate crime". Given the definitions, as they stand socially, by our politicians and many pundits/personalities that impact our lexicon, of: BLM, Race, Hate Crime. Please tag me in all responses.

2020-07-31 03:39:45 UTC  

legally, it depends on who initiates the fight

2020-07-31 03:40:51 UTC  

@N1br0c By saying that, you're admitting that the BLM movement is a movement purely for race and not about equality. Is this your intention?

2020-07-31 03:41:04 UTC  


2020-07-31 03:41:47 UTC  

You're equating BLM with the black race. Regardless of who starts it, a hate crime *must* be about one class of person against another.

2020-07-31 03:42:15 UTC  

gimme a sec to read that again. brain slow at 23:42

2020-07-31 03:42:33 UTC  

Thats fair. Please tag me so I see the push notification.

2020-07-31 03:45:42 UTC  

I guess it would have to do with the intent. Is the suspect assaulting them because they're white, or because they're members of blm?

2020-07-31 03:48:58 UTC  


2020-07-31 03:50:36 UTC

2020-07-31 03:52:46 UTC  

So again, you still seem to be equating a slogan with a class. Im interested to see some other perspectives.

2020-07-31 03:53:06 UTC  

There is _no_ wrong answer here.

2020-07-31 03:53:53 UTC  

Its simply a thought experiment to see where we are as a society.

2020-07-31 03:53:56 UTC  

I guess I don't know enough about law to make an educated discernment. I'd need more information about blm's "motives" (oh wait, they want to destroy America...)

2020-07-31 03:55:13 UTC  

What I do know, is that if you want to stay on the right side of the law, let them throw the first punch. Everything else is self-defense.

2020-07-31 05:04:42 UTC  

Just curious: what would you folks say to someone on the left who says it's hypocritical for Lauren Chen to support Hong Kong protesters and not support BLM protesters? Maybe start by stating the Hong Kong people are protesting communist China, citing evidence of China's human rights violations, and the BLM people are protesting a total lie, citing evidence that the police don't discriminate against black people (more unarmed whites die than blacks every year, blacks are killed by cops in proportion to their criminality rates, etc.)? Also, if the two protests are truly equivalent, then the NBA should support both (or better yet, neither). Also also, if the protests are equivalent, show me where the Hong Kong people are destroying each other's stuff and killing each other as opposed to just fighting off the police. And show me the Hong Kong television stations calling the protesters mostly peaceful and canceling shows that depict cops positively in solidarity with the protesters, because if it turns out that American TV stations are allowed to continuously bash the country's leader and not be yanked off the air, but Hong Kong TV stations are controlled by the CCP, then the two protests lose some equivalency.

2020-07-31 05:26:46 UTC  

The people in Hong Kong are fighting true oppression, BLM isn’t. It’s as simple as that.

2020-07-31 05:28:06 UTC  

I find most of the people who want to make outlandish comments are more likely to outright dismiss you if you make well thought out responses because peanut brains only work for so long

2020-07-31 05:29:16 UTC  

They’ll either: A. Not respond or B. Pull something out of thin air to argue about that is usually unrelated

2020-07-31 07:04:31 UTC  

Here’s the difference between Floyd and Hong Kong

There are multiple videos of Hong Kong police torturing political prisoners in beds, or cells, etc. BLM has few videos spanning from every 3 years or so that could at least seem a little valid from first glance.

Hong Kong is a relatively small place compared to the U.S.

Another thing BLM is big on is the “system” that they can’t name. George Floyd’s killers were arrested, the video of the US police beating up a suicidal man in a hospital bed were also arrested. Personally I don’t know what the hell happened with breonna Taylor but that specific incident shouldn’t be enough to replace the court. The system fucking works, it isn’t corrupted one bit

BLM is owned by self proclaimed marxists, it’s barely about black people anymore.

Hong Kong is a completely different scenario. Police are genuinely shooting at HK protesters. US police are shooting tear gas and chalk bullets at the road to back people up.

2020-07-31 07:05:18 UTC  

*british accent* Well Hello There!

2020-07-31 07:06:55 UTC  

one is fighting communism and the other is for communism

2020-07-31 07:07:52 UTC  

Wanna hear somethin real nice? @Kyrix

2020-07-31 07:08:01 UTC  

define real nice

2020-07-31 07:08:32 UTC  

Something you can see, smell kind of like virtual asmr

2020-07-31 07:08:43 UTC  


2020-07-31 07:11:06 UTC  


2020-07-31 11:19:27 UTC

2020-07-31 17:45:18 UTC  

> If a white person assaults a bunch of white BLM activists. (I'll even go as far as to say peaceful) Would it be considered a "hate crime". Given the definitions, as they stand socially, by our politicians and many pundits/personalities that impact our lexicon, of: BLM, Race, Hate Crime. Please tag me in all responses.
@kriegor191 Well, if a "hate crime" is usually labeled as not supporting a (flawed) movement (based on the ideas of the far Left), then a (white) person attacking another (white) person in that scenario would be justified because the attacker knows that the person supporting the (flawed) movement is apart of the problem. Wouldn't you agree that an *actual* crime is just doing something illegal for no *particularly justified* reason except to just... do it?

2020-07-31 18:19:11 UTC  

Master and Commander is a really good movie imo

2020-07-31 18:23:35 UTC  

<#738823664346333234> @HUNTER4639

2020-07-31 18:26:09 UTC  


2020-07-31 18:26:13 UTC  

I didn't know we had a channel

2020-07-31 18:26:14 UTC  


2020-07-31 18:26:15 UTC  
