Message from @Kingsum
Discord ID: 747981142367535204
It's a terrible campy movie
All part of the charm
I had to look up what campy means
because Iβm stupid
and Iβm pretty sure thatβs the point of the movie
As planned
Anyone here trilingual?
I just sent this to the state elections division in California. I just improvised it so don't mind the grammar and structure of it.
I would like to create a better version and send out as many as I can.
Let's call this my first step.
> Yes
@[TDE] Smokie do textbooks help
Im debating on whether I should buy textbooks or not
It all depends on how you learn. And also what you want to learn. Text books help if you understand grammar structure and if you want to better understand sentence cohesion and spellin'
When I learned French i had to speak it and write it. Really helped. And with Spanish I didn't do very much speaking. So I wasn't able to pick up on it as easily. But I can still read it very well, mostly cause I focused on the writing and workbook part.
what's cooking
just saying hello
which language
Man this chat is way more sane then general chat right now
And no I am not learning it because anime
can't help you there bud
I was learning japanese then I realized german was much more aggressive
> I was learning japanese then I realized german was much more aggressive
@gggghhhheeee are you still learning german
If so we need to find someone that can speak italian
No, don't recreate the axis
Yeah I'm learning a bit every once in a while
> No, don't recreate the axis
@KumquatLord recreational purposes
I ma use a vpn and find a japanese server
And like