Message from @Kingsum
Discord ID: 747986017922973717
When I learned French i had to speak it and write it. Really helped. And with Spanish I didn't do very much speaking. So I wasn't able to pick up on it as easily. But I can still read it very well, mostly cause I focused on the writing and workbook part.
what's cooking
just saying hello
Sucks I dunno who I can practice my language with
which language
Man this chat is way more sane then general chat right now
And no I am not learning it because anime
can't help you there bud
I was learning japanese then I realized german was much more aggressive
> I was learning japanese then I realized german was much more aggressive
@gggghhhheeee are you still learning german
If so we need to find someone that can speak italian
No, don't recreate the axis
Yeah I'm learning a bit every once in a while
> No, don't recreate the axis
@KumquatLord recreational purposes
I ma use a vpn and find a japanese server
And like
Thank you
I will now set my status to committing warcrime in Northern Afganistan
haha look at my custom status
*how dare you delete my masterpiece*
I dunno bout you but
that was animal abuse
h u m a n a b u s e
Hey guys
Weird question but whats a good fat burn for thigh workouts