Message from @Meryl.140.15
Discord ID: 751203925528543283
@HUNTER4639 Only problem is I don't think that would hold up well in a lot of arguments lol
No matter how true it may be
No, it probably wouldn'tš
"Why dont you wear a mask?" "Well, you see, farts..."
Anyways, I'm thinking about buying Dr. Mikovits book against masks. It's common sense that masks are ridiculous, but the "Greater Good" seems to outmatch all logic.
I need some solid evidence against masks
But yeah
Sounds good.
I always get weird looks for my mask I just don't get why people get freaked out from a gas mask.
oi what i want
I went shopping as Optimus Prime not long ago. Only one guy appreciated it.
one of those
that'd be fun
I remember one of my exes. He was slightly to the right when we were together. He hated trans people. After nearly a year of silence after the break up I managed to get back with him. I didn't try to make him join the right, I'm centrist, I made that very clear on here. But he kept calling me an evil person and had a mental breakdown when he realized who he used to be. He then proceeded to block me thinking I was far right conservative when I was just trying to get him to just question who he listens to.
Some irony in this is now I'm dating a trans girl who doesn't like the left, either
She doesn't have a political standpoint, as far as I'm aware. She just doesn't like the left because they're "silly people"
are they just so far right that they've looped back around to the left?
Too far to either side is bad, because morals can get stripped away and people suffer
Like, you know. Homophobia and stuff. Racism. Everything is easily solved with war
But not riots, for some reason
They're like the left in the sense that everything that they have to disagree with everything the other side said
My girlfriend's parents are transphobic.
Being on the right isn't bad, being far right is an issue, though
Transphobia hits much harder when it's a loved one receiving it, btw
Cause you actually see what it does to people in the long run
And I mean actual -phobia. Not this left washed "he doesn't agree with my idea to kill straights so he is a bigot" shit
Was gonna say but you already said it
Every -phobia has lost most of it's meaning
It doesn't matter how far you are, to most, the disagreeing thing automatically puts you on the "far side"
: D
I can barely see