Message from @JJ.2o2o

Discord ID: 756692816469688371

2020-09-18 20:45:51 UTC

2020-09-18 20:47:47 UTC  

Brewed with liberal tea-rs

2020-09-18 20:50:27 UTC  

I think it’s intended to mock Trump, but it’s surprisingly flattering compared to Kathy Griffin holding an effigy of his head.

2020-09-18 21:50:55 UTC  

If they intended to mock Trump, they should be fired.

2020-09-18 21:51:54 UTC  

Then rehired to make some nice napkins.

2020-09-18 21:55:25 UTC  

the left can't meme to save their lives... _or their elections._

2020-09-18 21:55:33 UTC  

it's really just sad

2020-09-18 22:59:49 UTC  

If you can meme, then you ain't the left <:YouKnowTheThing:723005092764319776>

2020-09-18 23:47:04 UTC  

Woah. RBG dead?!?!?

2020-09-18 23:51:03 UTC  

A liberal was asked to order certain people from most evil to most good. Why is President Trump worse than Adolf Hitler? Because he is "childish" said the liberal.

2020-09-19 00:05:24 UTC  

Here's the deal: because we have a senate majority, the Senate will approve whoever Trump appoints and because it will undoubtedly be a conservative, the 2nd amendment is safe for the next 20 years.

2020-09-19 00:09:45 UTC  

Among us code QFFHWQ

2020-09-19 00:31:11 UTC  

We need another justice like Scalia.

2020-09-19 00:31:29 UTC  

They better vote all conservative ideas!

2020-09-19 01:00:38 UTC  

Just pointing out that if there is election meddling, or questions about the election, it goes to SCOTUS. He needs to fill the vacancy before the election.

2020-09-19 01:01:26 UTC  


2020-09-19 01:02:57 UTC  

Trump definitely going to fill it asap. once thats cemented, Democrats gonna have a real hard time cheating 😄

2020-09-19 01:04:40 UTC  

Haha yeah!

2020-09-19 01:05:01 UTC  

We can't let them steal the election.. VOTE IN PERSON.

2020-09-19 01:34:41 UTC  

Even the people who hate trump love him apparently.

2020-09-19 01:47:06 UTC  

how does that work?

2020-09-19 02:11:31 UTC  

Donald Trump is so good that he can win a rigged election fair and square.

2020-09-19 02:25:36 UTC  

I was in French class today and they put up a giant French flag in front of the class they call it the "White Board".

2020-09-19 02:30:34 UTC  

I wish they would put in Jay Sekulow

2020-09-19 03:10:17 UTC  

Hope Trump wins this year though.

2020-09-19 03:10:39 UTC  

He better

2020-09-19 03:13:26 UTC  

Even when President Trump tweets about Ruth Bader Ginsburg, people's Trump Derangement Syndrome kick in.

2020-09-19 03:17:21 UTC  

The hatred for Trump is so big.. It's pathetic.

2020-09-19 03:20:00 UTC  

Twitter is a waste of time.

2020-09-19 03:20:46 UTC  

trumps twitter is the worst, the comments in there are so disgusting

2020-09-19 03:21:29 UTC  

people get paid to say horrible things to him too

2020-09-19 03:23:07 UTC  

People will go their way to say some really rude and disgusting things. Trump is living rent free in their minds.

2020-09-19 03:26:26 UTC  

President Trump can say literally anything and people want him dead for it.

2020-09-19 03:27:22 UTC  

Agree. He doing a better job than Obama and yet he gets a ton of hate for actually helping Americans... It's a shame.

2020-09-19 03:32:06 UTC  

It is the media's 24/7 negative coverage of him. This never happens with Democrats. For some reason, it is many times worse than usual for this president.

2020-09-19 03:33:28 UTC  

I have watched videos of people asking others why Donald Trump is racist and they cannot name one thing and just get offended for questioning them.

2020-09-19 03:55:20 UTC  

@Downskated Memes go in <#707963490526298112>.

2020-09-19 03:55:37 UTC  

I know sorry told to post to wrong channel

2020-09-19 05:02:58 UTC  

Democrats 2016: Obama MUST fill this vacancy asap
Democrats 2020: Vacancy can't be filled until after election

2020-09-19 05:06:20 UTC  

We are going to fill that seat. >:)