Message from @Stargatemaster96
Discord ID: 759920881442095134
Nice lol
Love it when they waste their money on us
I know
Said you can supposably track it
That ain’t how it works
No so not trusting it
Seen how that went with early mail in ballots
Especially since they’ve already found discarded Trump ballots
My God I’m tired
I just finished a 20 mile hike
Only had house chores so far. Watering plants, raking leaves, cleaning up my bedroom, doing laundry, and watching zed videos
I know many people thing schools are brainwashing people and that may be true but it’s not happening everywhere. I’m in my first year of college, in Minnesota like Tyler. I see lots of people with American apparel and a few with Trump apparel. In one room you can see someone hung a big Trump 2020 flag in his dorm. So there are still good people not being brainwashed. But on the other end of the spectrum I have seen a typical woke feminist wearing a BLM sweatshirt and she got into an argument with someone.
It’s like California. There are lots of dummies but not everyone is a dummy. Just remember that. I don’t like being grouped with the stupid college liberal.
So far I’m working full time putting wooden blinds not 100% what to major in
Glad to see not all schools are woke.
Not everyone in California are woke or a bunch of 🐑 I know my neighbors supports our men and women in blue and are sick of these stupid mandatory mask
If you go to a public engineering dominated university, it's much more likely to not be overly woke. My undergrad university was Simi woke, particularly the gen eds, but the university I'm going for graduate school is rural and predominantly engineering or agriculture. Combined with the fact it's predominantly small town people and the fact it's the south, I've seen multiple people on campus with Trump and conservative YouTube apparel and we even had the NRA come on campus before.
This is going to sound stupid, but what exactly does the NRA do?
Lately? Not a damn thing
Guess that’s why I don’t hear much of them other then what woke Media say
Not that much real lobbying anymore unfortunately but they do still do a lot of education and training.
Wish there was a true 2A lobby. There are some decent smaller ones, particularly ones that focus on the state level but not a true NRA alternative. If anyone knows one thou, love to be proved wrong.
What about GOA? I've heard they are decent.
I am just laying on the couch while my niece and nephew run around tormenting my fiance
What did I just say?
But I didn’t send an invite
Don’t try to get people to join your server.
Sorry but rules are rules
I won’t double warn you though. Just know that ok
How is it going residential?
Anybody watching the debate? It should be fun. I think it should be on Comedy Central.
Most people, like me, are going to tune in just to see how lost Biden gets.
Under the pressure will he lose it? Have a stroke? Gaff a million times? Or get so lost he'll have to be led off the stage.
All Trump has to do is behaive and let Biden bury himself. Better, ask Biden about Bidens' accomplishments.
I doubt the debates will be very crazy.... I am just nervous that the moderators pre fed Biden the questions...
There has been less than zero election integrity since 2008.
Link to the debate?
Biden proved in his last town hall he'll screw it up.
It is on the 29th