Message from @Kaladin

Discord ID: 767930415750447144

2020-10-20 01:35:46 UTC  

I am economic conservative and socially indifferent I suppose. I went to very conservative religious college and moved on after that

2020-10-20 01:36:01 UTC  

So I don’t tell anyone how to live

2020-10-20 01:36:51 UTC  

Was it about racism, sexism, hateful, just for future reference

2020-10-20 01:36:55 UTC  


2020-10-20 01:37:13 UTC  

economics are the weakest point of conservativism

2020-10-20 01:37:25 UTC  

@Max4Z It violated Rule 6.

2020-10-20 01:37:35 UTC  

Well at least you will like my vote

2020-10-20 01:38:05 UTC  

frankly your vote means nothing if you stand for hollow principals

2020-10-20 01:38:18 UTC  

Ok we can agree to disagree

2020-10-20 01:38:20 UTC  

the future of this country isnt in trump, it's in the american people

2020-10-20 01:38:37 UTC  


2020-10-20 01:38:48 UTC  

So hard to get that through to people

2020-10-20 01:40:50 UTC  

The formula for never winning another election is to enact policies that most people disagree with. It’s really hard to fix what’s wrong when you are watching a Democrat President and congress have their way with the constitution

2020-10-20 01:41:54 UTC  

the formula for damning your country for the rest of time is making short term advances at the cost of the long term

2020-10-20 01:42:19 UTC  

letting go of social conservative values and the backbone of the american identity in christian values

2020-10-20 01:42:23 UTC  


2020-10-20 01:42:30 UTC  

enlightenment to an extent

2020-10-20 01:44:46 UTC  

for short term economic advances, goods costing less

2020-10-20 01:58:51 UTC  

I believe in small government and low taxes. God will be the judge he doesn’t need for me to be. Legislating morality isn’t ever going to fix sin

2020-10-20 02:00:34 UTC  

But if you believe in any sort of religious freedom the only real actionable choice you have is the Republican Party. Given the 2 party system everyone gets forced into one group of the other - doesn’t mean they buy into every bullet point on the agenda

2020-10-20 02:01:18 UTC  

Hundred percent agree with you

2020-10-20 02:15:56 UTC  

Hey boys

2020-10-20 02:18:03 UTC  

But if you believe in any sort of religious freedom the only real actionable choice you have is the Republican Party. Given the 2 party system everyone gets forced into one group of the other - doesn’t mean they buy into every bullet point on the agenda

GOD SIR THAT IS FALSE, You don’t have to vote along the 2 party system and doing so is just helping the system out, Also, Libertarianism protects your rights far more effectively then Republicanism

2020-10-20 02:18:10 UTC  
2020-10-20 02:19:33 UTC  

I would love to support libertarianism 💯. It just has to get enough critical mass and funding. I thought it would happen after 2016 where moderates from both sides would head to the middle. The swamp is heavily invested in keeping things how they are

2020-10-20 02:19:49 UTC  

> But if you believe in any sort of religious freedom the only real actionable choice you have is the Republican Party. Given the 2 party system everyone gets forced into one group of the other - doesn’t mean they buy into every bullet point on the agenda
another blatant mischaracterization

2020-10-20 02:20:23 UTC  

My contention was that you, as a man of principals, care that others lead happy healthy and good lives

2020-10-20 02:21:00 UTC  

We live in a culture war not a political war

2020-10-20 02:21:13 UTC  

Politics is downstream of culture

2020-10-20 02:21:30 UTC  

You can be libertarian politically but that shouldn't be your defining principals

2020-10-20 02:21:46 UTC  

make money, everyone should do what they want as long as it doesnt "hurt" others

2020-10-20 02:22:13 UTC  

Those arent morals, thats how you compromise with people legislatively in a society thats as culturally diverse as america

2020-10-20 02:24:04 UTC  

Personally I think libertarianism is toxic and a cancer to society, but that shouldnt detract from the point I was making there

2020-10-20 03:46:10 UTC  

@Drift Libertarianism?? Which flavor? Seems to be shape shifting, as it became popular over a decade ago, and therefore infiltrated. Much like Dems switching to the Republican party or vice versa. You can surely try to impart your values on others, as that's been America for decades. . Just don't be surprised when others feel they can do the same. We either respect individual liberty, even if we disagree, or we accept the bondage of ever being in the ''moral'' struggle. .And here we are.

2020-10-20 03:47:36 UTC  

> @Drift Libertarianism?? Which flavor? Seems to be shape shifting, as it became popular over a decade ago, and therefore infiltrated. Much like Dems switching to the Republican party or vice versa. You can surely try to impart your values on others, as that's been America for decades. . Just don't be surprised when others feel they can do the same. We either respect individual liberty, even if we disagree, or we accept the bondage of ever being in the ''moral'' struggle. .And here we are.
@user_zero That is literally admitting defeat and ceding all the ground that matters to the left

2020-10-20 03:47:54 UTC  

thats saying, lets just not fight the good fight

2020-10-20 03:48:18 UTC  

Thats saying, there is no dinstinctly american culture worth fighting for

2020-10-20 03:48:26 UTC  

that we arent a nation with a christian heritage

2020-10-20 03:48:35 UTC  

were just a collection of individuals

2020-10-20 03:48:48 UTC  

thats how you immediately lose the culture war

2020-10-20 03:48:50 UTC  

The good fight is within yourself. Within myself. The mirror