Message from @𝓓. 𝓒.

Discord ID: 770810442183606303

2020-10-28 00:38:31 UTC  

Good question, actually. It’s certainly better than absolute democracy, but that’s a good topic for discussion.

2020-10-28 00:39:45 UTC  

I believe that the majority of the people of course need to have a say, but it also prevents them from ruling over the minority, so I believe it’s a good balance. It gives neither the majority nor the minority absolute power.

2020-10-28 00:40:10 UTC  

can the president do anything they want?

2020-10-28 00:40:15 UTC  


2020-10-28 00:40:34 UTC  

There is another type of voting called ranked voting

2020-10-28 00:40:37 UTC  

how much is ruled by him then

2020-10-28 00:40:45 UTC  

He’s the executive branch and either rejects or approves of laws.

2020-10-28 00:40:47 UTC  

But not too sure if it can work en mass

2020-10-28 00:40:54 UTC  

that's all he does?

2020-10-28 00:41:02 UTC  


2020-10-28 00:41:05 UTC  

Cali and a couple other states can still have mob rule

2020-10-28 00:41:34 UTC  

well wouldn't it be better if there were educated people who studied subjects and were the best at them and decides what goes through and what doesn't?

2020-10-28 00:41:51 UTC  

But who decides who is educated enough?

2020-10-28 00:41:56 UTC  

The people in power

2020-10-28 00:42:13 UTC  

by like idk being that best at that field

2020-10-28 00:42:35 UTC  

That wouldn’t work because of partisan interests.

2020-10-28 00:42:52 UTC  

it just seems weird that people who know nothing can decide on government policy no?

2020-10-28 00:43:09 UTC  

They will claim that their candidate is the most suited for the job. So just let the people vote who their president should be.

2020-10-28 00:44:20 UTC  

but like surely there is a yes and no answer to everything

2020-10-28 00:44:42 UTC  

that is backed up with reasoning instead of personal interests you know?

2020-10-28 00:45:30 UTC  

The people know what they want, so they choose the person who promises to do what they want.

2020-10-28 00:46:08 UTC  

but people are selfish and only vote for what they think is best for them but without really knowing truly why

2020-10-28 00:46:12 UTC  

that seems flawed

2020-10-28 00:46:39 UTC  

So the people shouldn’t have a say in who is gonna represent them?

2020-10-28 00:47:03 UTC  

i think the people should identify problems but not be the ones to solve them

2020-10-28 00:47:21 UTC  

I don’t get the point you’re making.

2020-10-28 00:48:04 UTC  

my point is there are conservatives vs liberals but surely instead of people being so divided there is a correct answer and reason why

2020-10-28 00:48:29 UTC  

But who decides what the correct answer is?

2020-10-28 00:48:50 UTC  

the people who have studied how to solve these problems i feel like

2020-10-28 00:49:23 UTC  

And who decides who is the most educated? The people in power. Back to my original point.

2020-10-28 00:49:35 UTC  

It wouldn’t work.

2020-10-28 00:49:53 UTC  

people who are best in their field and identified without corruption

2020-10-28 00:50:48 UTC  

idk i'm going on what's on the top of my head but

2020-10-28 00:50:55 UTC  

And who decides who is identified without corruption? See, the problem is that people will always try to put their own guy into office. The electoral college at least tries to give as many people as possible a choice.

2020-10-28 00:51:21 UTC  

fbi probably?

2020-10-28 00:51:35 UTC  

And if the FBI is partisan?

2020-10-28 00:52:00 UTC  

FBI is definitely partisan.

2020-10-28 00:52:55 UTC  

idk just a thought that maybe who is being voted in shouldn't decide on what is binary

2020-10-28 00:53:02 UTC  

but dumb thought and went on for too long lol

2020-10-28 00:53:25 UTC  

That’s fine. It’s an interesting topic of debate.

2020-10-28 00:54:48 UTC  

Additional, solutions don’t always help everyone. I personally don’t believe there is such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone is a expert in there field doesn’t mean their solution will the best for everyone. This is why federalism is a big part of the US. We shouldn’t focus on who is in charge of the federal government to solve our people. We need to focus on our local leaders because they could provide a much more direct better solution, versus a large government one.