Message from @¿ılı˥?

Discord ID: 770818301117857804

2020-10-28 00:53:25 UTC  

That’s fine. It’s an interesting topic of debate.

2020-10-28 00:54:48 UTC  

Additional, solutions don’t always help everyone. I personally don’t believe there is such thing as a free lunch. Even if someone is a expert in there field doesn’t mean their solution will the best for everyone. This is why federalism is a big part of the US. We shouldn’t focus on who is in charge of the federal government to solve our people. We need to focus on our local leaders because they could provide a much more direct better solution, versus a large government one.

2020-10-28 00:55:55 UTC  

well true but i mean like i would take a economists word on economy rather than my own because i know next to nothing

2020-10-28 00:56:25 UTC  

and even that isn't binary but like

2020-10-28 00:56:51 UTC  

you see what i mean. some people vote without reasoning and at least a economist has good reasoning

2020-10-28 00:57:52 UTC  

Lol, ya if you put a traditional investor with a day trader in a room and ask which method is the best. It will turn into a dog fight.

2020-10-28 01:00:22 UTC  

Hey, I give free lunch! No one goes hungry at my workplace, I acquire bread and PB & J from donations.

2020-10-28 01:02:19 UTC  

I feel like people nowadays just look at the federal government as the only gov and that the fed gov is basically just the president. There are experts in the executive branch like in bureaucracies and in Congress like in committees and in those people that they pay patronage to in exchange for research. There are many many people involved in the fed government that aid in our leaders' decision making. We have both experts and civilians that represent the public so that we have representation of common civilians who know most about what issues citizens have, and we have the experts who can give possible solutions.

2020-10-28 01:05:10 UTC  

Idk much about government, but I'm currently taking an AP class on the ins and outs of gov. I forgot the name of the people that Congress asks for research from

2020-10-28 01:05:15 UTC  

congress has too much power and it breaks the checks and balances

2020-10-28 01:07:16 UTC  

I agree with that tbh

2020-10-28 01:07:57 UTC  

Maybe this is what it was like at the end of the Roman Republic?

2020-10-28 01:08:55 UTC  

People think that the president has so much power when really Congress has more power to make change within the country. Also I don't know, that's an interesting question

2020-10-28 01:09:13 UTC  

For their time, the Romans had a pretty good political system.

2020-10-28 01:11:10 UTC  

it's true that people focuses just on a single politician or a president and forgets that its a big machine with lots of people pushing buttons

2020-10-28 01:13:41 UTC  

Things would change to the better if people obsessed less about electing a certain individual and focused more on the full picture, starting with your local and state politicians

2020-10-28 01:14:29 UTC  

Yes, exactly!

2020-10-28 01:14:43 UTC  

I'm more about state gov than fed

2020-10-28 01:16:17 UTC  

usually these morons like AOC and ilhan omar only gets elected because people don't pay attention to their own districts and therefore a relative few misguided people gets to elect these coocoo's

2020-10-28 01:16:25 UTC  

New York screwed up.

2020-10-28 01:16:44 UTC  


2020-10-28 01:18:24 UTC  

"I don’t like the Republican presidential candidate, so I’m gonna vote for a Democrat governor, even though his policies will ruin my state."

2020-10-28 01:23:38 UTC  

Cuz, y'know most logical thing to do nowadays smh

2020-10-28 01:26:03 UTC  

i don't know which is worse, their economic policys that will end any possibility for there to be a middle class, or their messed up social policys that is not pro women trans or minorities, just against white people and white men specifically

2020-10-28 01:26:35 UTC  

Both are just as bad.

2020-10-28 01:30:31 UTC  

idk man, when they start getting at the kids and try to convert them into being trans and tell them how bad they are for being born white and that the core family should be destroyed, i think id rather be poor for the rest of my life before putting my family through that

2020-10-28 01:31:20 UTC  

not worth all the ipads in the world

2020-10-28 01:33:20 UTC  

its kind of sad how its gotten to this. really really sad.

2020-10-28 01:34:43 UTC  

That crap has started at my school. They are masking it as "equity training". I emailed the president about it heheheh. I volunteered for their focus research group about school oppression so that their is some diversity of thought. My principal apologized for being white smh

2020-10-28 01:36:30 UTC  


2020-10-28 01:36:32 UTC  

WOW. holy shit its bad in your area... another reason to privatize schools and move towards a school voucher system. that majority of people wont take their kids and their vouchers to places with idiots like that

2020-10-28 01:37:11 UTC  

I'm in Chicago, so it was expected to happen

2020-10-28 01:37:51 UTC  

I want to be homeschooled cuz I can't take this brainwashing anymore

2020-10-28 01:39:41 UTC  

I have a friend who is suicidal and thinks she doesn't deserve to live cuz she's white. Can't believe this is allowed

2020-10-28 01:39:59 UTC  

thats fucking evil.

2020-10-28 01:40:42 UTC  

this is insane

2020-10-28 01:40:53 UTC  


2020-10-28 01:40:55 UTC  

Kids have said that they wish they were the superior race, which is black, and they wish that weren't inherently racist because they are white

2020-10-28 01:41:25 UTC  

That's not what the school taught, but it's what some kids believe

2020-10-28 01:42:54 UTC  

I'm Hispanic and Asian so I'm a minority in the school, but I'm even more of a minority for not believing the narrative. I feel scared to talk about my views sometimes

2020-10-28 01:43:11 UTC  
