Message from @toasby

Discord ID: 785967577427869696

2020-12-08 20:19:56 UTC  

(Covid rules)

2020-12-08 20:20:36 UTC  

Like.. are you taking the piss he’s here every other day if he had anything we’ve already got it

2020-12-08 20:21:01 UTC  

Now all I'm saying is, it would be very tragic if the snitches died in a horrible, fatal accident...

2020-12-08 20:21:28 UTC  

and when we had my birthday they knocked on the door and told us we had too many people round HAHAHA jokes on them we had under the legal limit at the time

2020-12-08 20:21:43 UTC  

Glad my dad didn’t answer cause he’d have told them where to shove it

2020-12-08 20:22:01 UTC  

They need to be dropped

2020-12-08 20:22:06 UTC  

Those pricks

2020-12-08 20:22:36 UTC  

And because five of us live here we have five cars (duh) and when my sisters are home (one from nursing and one from the military) they questioned them on why they were here

2020-12-08 20:22:41 UTC  

bitch they LIVE here

2020-12-08 20:23:13 UTC  

if you imagine a Karen but make it upper middle class and British you’ve got this lady

2020-12-08 20:24:06 UTC  

I know, order a hit

2020-12-08 20:24:26 UTC  

Their culture is to be insufferable pricks, so take them out

2020-12-08 20:24:31 UTC  

I would but that would include sharing pretty much my own address online and am no allowed to

2020-12-08 20:25:05 UTC  

You only have to share the target's address, via 4chan or another anonymous message board

2020-12-08 20:25:21 UTC  

Jk am no a hitman hirer am just amused by the fact that she genuinely thinks she IS law enforcement

2020-12-08 20:25:32 UTC  

rather than a sad old retired lady with nothin better to do

2020-12-08 20:25:52 UTC  

It's sad, pathetic, and blood boiling

2020-12-08 20:26:16 UTC  

Like all boomers, the more you challenge them the more they dig their heals in

2020-12-08 20:32:03 UTC  

Um no. Absolutely no. Just because I may be miserable does not mean it is fair to make others miserable. I'd be a giant asshole

2020-12-08 20:34:22 UTC  

I don’t think she miserable just bored

2020-12-08 20:34:33 UTC  

Her brain is melting because she doesn’t leave the house

2020-12-08 20:34:50 UTC  

Her brain is melting because she is a horrible person

2020-12-08 20:35:28 UTC  

What other reason could you think of for someone to be a petty snitch?

2020-12-08 20:50:12 UTC  

some old people just gotta give up making everybody miserable before they die

2020-12-08 20:50:30 UTC  

cause that's not how you want to live

2020-12-08 21:24:24 UTC  

That's a negatory chief

2020-12-08 21:28:31 UTC  

I’m sorry say that again?

2020-12-08 21:28:55 UTC  

tf is mermaiding

2020-12-08 21:28:57 UTC  

What even is mermaiding

2020-12-08 21:29:03 UTC  

And do I want to know

2020-12-08 21:33:33 UTC

2020-12-08 21:33:43 UTC  

Ok so it’s apparently just dressing as a mermaid for swimming

2020-12-08 21:33:49 UTC  

Seems like a good way to drown

2020-12-08 21:34:19 UTC  

All Democrats should try it then

2020-12-08 21:55:05 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:55:06 UTC  


2020-12-08 21:58:19 UTC

2020-12-08 22:07:34 UTC  

What the actual fuck? Well it is CNN after all

2020-12-08 22:07:47 UTC  

Okay, I wrote something for a school assignment and I'm not sure if this is accurate but this is just what I've seen.

2020-12-08 22:07:52 UTC  

People struggle for change because of fundamental inequalities, or because their ideologies at their core, are directly opposed. Some examples I have from watching these protests from the sidelines are as follows: They don’t want a police force, they want black supremacy, they don’t want The Bill of Rights, they don’t want the Constitution, they don’t want you to have/vocalize a differing opinion, and they don’t want elections. There are riots in the streets from angry people that choose to conduct themselves in a destructive manner, and we are stuck in lockdown because there are people that want to shut down the U.S economy.

As far as I know from seeing examples of women's and black’s rights, there are no more fundamental inequalities that exist today. Nowadays, you can’t even trust the news or the schools. At least back in older times if you had access to education, you could trust them to teach your child about how the world worked. Now however, they jam this black supremacy agenda down our throats by putting B.L.M signs in our schools. I have yet to see a Blue Lives Matter banner up with those other ones. Which sickens me because my grandfather was a police officer. They don’t care about the police though, they want to abolish them. And in states where they have done this, crime has shot through the roof because there’s no one around to protect the innocent.

So I’ll ask you this, do you think these are good policies to implement into our system of government? To abolish Capitalism and install Communism in its place? To replace freedom with restriction? To replace prosperity with dependence? What about taking safety and in its place, installing chaos and danger? I would rather die than give my freedoms away. I would never willingly give my freedoms, or my rights to such an oppressive system. They can take my rights and they can take my freedoms when they pry them from my cold dead chest.

2020-12-08 22:08:07 UTC  

I wrote a fuggin speech over here