Message from @Rocci

Discord ID: 792115764210827294

2020-12-25 19:23:04 UTC  

it's odd to me

2020-12-25 19:23:29 UTC  

i can understand if you have abusive parents, but run of the mill normal parents shouldn't stand for their child's verbal and sometimes physical abuse

2020-12-25 19:25:39 UTC  

Something is absent, namely the church. Leftists are made with public schools, bad family, and no church values

2020-12-25 19:27:52 UTC  

I can see especially a lack of faith, not necessarily the church, but a lack of God / good foundation. In a lot of discourse you can see a lack of understanding for compassion and mercy and sometimes unconditional love.

I grew up going to church, but as a teen who went through divorce and now as an adult, I've been scorned by too many churches now for not being 'good' enough, disillusioned with the church, not so with faith.

2020-12-25 19:36:11 UTC  

beanholes lol, But the reason for that is that Children are not being disciplined when they are younger and have no respect for authority figures because of that

2020-12-25 19:36:45 UTC  

That's been deboonked

2020-12-25 19:37:09 UTC  

Wise discipline imparts wisdom

2020-12-25 19:37:25 UTC  

I JUST READ a whole chapter on the criminal mind debunking the argument that problem children who turn into problem adults, "it's to blame on either parents not disciplining" or "parent's disciplining too hard"

2020-12-25 19:38:13 UTC  

"Didn't discipline enough" kind of turns the issue one dimensional and removes the responsibility of the individual making the choice.

2020-12-25 19:39:26 UTC  

You Discipline your kids out of love not hate, that's how you create well-mannered kids

2020-12-25 19:39:29 UTC  

Yeah that's what I was gunning for. The lack of a moral influence is how these people fall from grace. I nearly fell into their attitude, but for some reason I heeded the messages in church. These leftists may only awaken to their surroundings when put into the shoes they scorn

2020-12-25 19:39:48 UTC  

when people don't discipline they don't care about their kids, when they discipline to harshly it's usually out anger and not love.

2020-12-25 19:40:14 UTC  

Self-discipline and actions have consequences style discipline can teach important lessons, but a lack of parental discipline is not the creation of every problem child.

2020-12-25 19:40:23 UTC  

A child who lacks respect for authority is much bigger than didn't get spanked enough.

2020-12-25 19:41:01 UTC  

Too broad of a statement to make. Disagree. But you do you.

2020-12-25 19:42:06 UTC  

okay bud

2020-12-25 19:42:42 UTC  

I think this is really more it. We have a crisis of the heart right now. People are turning to self or other people for moral guidance and meaning and when you focus on self, your heart will misguide you. you can justify anything if you turn morality into 'what serves me.' Parents who don't show their children they're important by sending them out of the house with school and after school things and make it obvious they 'just want the kids gone' are teaching their kids to also not cherish them -- and we end up with adults who want to put their parents in elder care as soon as possible and want little to do with one another.

2020-12-25 19:43:27 UTC  

Nice. ๐Ÿ‘

2020-12-25 19:43:45 UTC  

Wait... what's the topic here?

2020-12-25 19:44:22 UTC  

Started with being about kids being jerks to their parents.

2020-12-25 19:45:14 UTC  

Alright. ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-25 19:45:38 UTC  

Yeah, and it's a serious problem. Too often is the attitude, to scold and discipline, rather than sit down and teach. Most parents seems to think "teaching" just encompasses the other listening and accepting what they say. Resultingly they are very impersonal towards their kids, leaving them effectively fostered in their own "home." We have a generation of parents who scold, scorn, and belittle instead of listening, hearing, and teaching. It's no wonder the youth often feel forsaken. It doesn't help that older folks tend to dig their heels in when challenged...

2020-12-25 19:48:58 UTC  

Yup. One of the recurring attitudes in the book on the criminal mind I'm reading is that, regardless of whether the doctor was interviewing a teenager or an adult, they talked about, "why should I have to listen to xyz? why should I do something I don't want to do?" Every time, it's about benefiting the self and not thinking outside of the self. An adult or authority figure ONLY disciplining will not break through the mind of helping someone understand the choice to serve and love others.

I think that's also a missing component. That love is a choice we make for those around us, whether they please us or not, whether it helps us or not. It's not an easy thing to solve, but an attitude of blame and power dynamics will... definitely not help.

2020-12-25 19:53:23 UTC  

It's tough love without the love. As one grows the set of gloves, so to speak, that they are treated with do not change. Hypocritical expectations also play into this a lot, demanding adult treatment while giving out kid treatment. It's a miracle we even get "functioning" adults out of such a process. *Raise adults, not children* is the mantra all too often left by the wayside

2020-12-25 20:42:45 UTC  

they also forgot no-parent homes tend to do worse than 1-parent homes <:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247>

2020-12-25 22:22:38 UTC  

Merry Christmas yall

2020-12-25 22:22:57 UTC  

to you too!

2020-12-25 22:23:02 UTC  

Lmao they donโ€™t have BLM on the court anymore in the NBA

2020-12-25 22:33:47 UTC  

wonder why it's only during an election

2020-12-25 22:35:18 UTC  


2020-12-25 22:37:08 UTC  

Hello. ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-25 22:39:45 UTC  

ya know blacks aren't suppressed anymore now that orange man is out

2020-12-25 22:41:37 UTC  

Wait till they find out president elect scratch and sniff isn't really president elect.

2020-12-25 22:43:10 UTC  

Wait until they find out that heโ€™s really really racist and supported segregation

2020-12-25 22:43:37 UTC  

But at least he isnโ€™t Orange

2020-12-25 22:56:00 UTC  

They will still complain that they are oppressed

2020-12-25 23:14:19 UTC  


2020-12-25 23:15:16 UTC  

Hello. ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-25 23:15:40 UTC  

You, too, bud! Have a very wonderful holiday weekend!

2020-12-26 01:29:16 UTC  

Anyone see that car bomb

2020-12-26 01:30:01 UTC  

yeah. it's on the news